Info and forum posts by 'memento'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 15th May 2001, 17:50, Last used: Tuesday, 15th May 2001, 17:50

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 30 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Macrovision -Does Macmaster really work?

The sonel macmaster that i bought last year works like a charm, i have since upgraded my player to one with the macro disabled, but the cable still comes into use for so many other things. It has been useful for putting clip tapes together for my film course, better than trying to get time in an editting room i can tell ya. But i digress, the macmaster is good, i would deffinately reccomend that you buy one,


RE: pioneer dvd 444

However If you do get it chipped, you can only effectivley back up R2s because of the way that the machine processes the pal60...Steve back me up on this, you told me about this didnt you?

RE: Pioneer dv-444 and Planet of the apes(2001)

Well after the astounding amount of replies i received...*ahem* It turns out the disk was at fault and not the machine.

Again thanks for not even bothering to answer to my question..

RE: Once upon a time in america dvd?

If its the film I am thinking of then you can buy it along with once upon a time in china, from MVC. I only know this cos i saw it this mornin, but they may have it on the website too.

Pioneer dv-444 and Planet of the apes(2001)

Is any one else having troubl with this disk? I get 6 minutes to the end and the whole thing just stops, it wont let me resume from where it stopped...I was wondering if this was a side effect of the nuon technology, that is present on the disk.

Any Help would be great



RE: Pioneer cross channel interference

I dont know the technical jargon for it, but basically when the dvd player is set to rgb it has a very strong signal out put. If you set it to video then you wont have that problem. I am sure someone will give you this info again but in a more specified way. I only know this cos i own the machine also, and thats what i do. Oh do you own Planetof the apes(2001)? If you do does it screw up near the end?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 12:35

RE: Pioneer DV-444-S Thinking of buying one?

My recomendation is to do a search for firm ware patches for the player.

RE: The pioneer dv444 macrovion disabler not working on R1 titles

AHA!!!!! Everything has become so clear now, such a simple thing and i overlooked it. DOH!!!

Cheers steve you have been a lot help. :)


RE: The pioneer dv444 macrovion disabler not working on R1 titles

I realise this. I was just confused because my old player which outputted a compressed ntsc pal signal did work, is this the differnence between 50/60?

RE: Pioneer DV-444-S Thinking of buying one?

Altho I spent £219 also on the pioneer i am exceedingly happy with it, I bought mine from The picture is the brilliant it has trusurround, I think thats the bit that makes it sound like it is playing in surround sound but out of stereo speakers...Very nice...tho i havent had a chance to test it as i only have a mono tv at uni. But i think for either price it is a bargain buy. It outputs in RGB and Pal60 I mean you are good to go what ever kind of tv you have really, which makes it better than the sony machines as the only do ntsc to ntsc, which if you ask me is a pain in the ass. If not a cunning marketing ploy, but i digress, the machne is good, wait better than that...but i have rambled enough, hope you make the right decision, its hard aint it? I went thru this last week, before settling on the new love of my


RE: The pioneer dv444 macrovion disabler not working on R1 titles

Ok so i got it wrong it outputs in pal60, no need to rub this fact in by sighting to sites a simple explanation would have done. I believe what you are trying to tell me tho is that because the machine outputs at pal 60 and not 50 I would need a video that reorded ntsc signals even tho it is a compressed signal, or something like that anyway.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 30th October 2001, 19:01

The pioneer dv444 macrovion diabler not working on R1 titles

I tried to back up a copy of a R1 film the other day after recieving my lovely new shiney Pioneer only to realise that the macrovision hadnt been disabled. R2s work fine, but it is the R1s that mess up. I donot mean it is black and white as i set the player to output in pal50 which my video can handle, well it plays thru the video in colour so i am assuming that it does. I have tried my macro buster but to no avail, can anyone help?


RE: Macrovision Bypass Kit?

The Macromaster from Sonel Is excellent. I have owned one for little over a year and have had no problems with it. It works with a number of things aswell as dvd players, Videos and Sky digital movie channels(The Box Offices to be precise)

Hope this helps.


RE: Multi region Magic...Any good?

Thanks for that Ickle Yoda. But i ordered from AV-Land instead. And altho i javent recieved my player yet, i can tell that they will be good. Why? I hear you ask, well this morning they rang me to tell me that my card details were wrong. Ok so maybe not that impressive as they want money, but the fact they rang me and i didnt have to ring them up to chase up the order just to find out that i had done this impressed me.

I will keep you posted on the actual machine tho, *is quietly confident*


Multi region Magic...Any good?

Has any one bought a dvd player throught them? Are they any good? Whats the after sales care like?

Any help would be great, Thanks.


Pioneer DV 444K Any Good?

In my on going battle to try and find a dvd player that will work with my tv i have looked upon the Pioneer dv 444k Is it any good? It out puts in pal60 which i think my tv can handle, i have looked it up and it says it can do both pal50 and 60 yet it only says 50hz on the back of the set itself.....but back to the point, any one else got one? Are they worth the money?


RE: HELP!!! What does RGB not pal60 mean?

Thankyou s very much you lurverly people.

But I have since changed my mind about the sony and am thinking about one of the new Pioneer jobbies. When they say it outputs in pal60 is there an option on the dvd players menu to change this? If not how do i change it?

Once again thankyou for all the help it has been invaluable!!


RE: HELP!!! What does RGB not pal60 mean?

Thanks, where can i get a fully wired rgb scart from?

Thanks again, memento

HELP!!! What does RGB not pal60 mean?

I am totally confused, i got told by the people at techtronics that the sony ns300 only plays back in ntsc and that if my tv doesnt suppourt that then I should consider not buying it. But i looked somewhere else and it said it was RGB not Pal60, i know what both of them are but, I am baffled. I have read on this site in the FAQ that RGB bypasses the whole ntsc thing, i think, does it? If my telly is capable of accepting an RGB input am i ok? ARGHHH I think i may just stick with my crappy Orion DVD2000, as it has the option to choose playback.But it has an annoying tendancy to put the audio out of synch on certain dvds, and change the screen ratio on dvds that have in screen things like the white rabbit on the matrix dvd or the pill on the Akira dvd.

Help me please, it will be greatfully accepted.


RE: Sony NS300

Thankyou, I will.


P.S does the player have a way of outputting ntsc in pal? As I am unsure as to whether or not my tv will work with it. I currently have an orion dvd2000 and that has the option to choose the output, does the sony have this, i have read the info about it and cannot tell. The tv I am using is only about three years old, the make I cannot remeber off of the top of my head. The sony does have an RGB scart and I was told that runing it thru that would cancel out the need but will it? I am confused, can someone help? It would be appreciated.

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th October 2001, 15:41

Sony NS300

I am considering buying one ofthese puppies but I am undecided, are they any good? Plus I am gonna order it from multiregion magic, good/bad idea?

Any help would be great thanks.

RE: poor customer service

Fine so the customer service is poor, but hey there is a lesson to be learnt if you have been `burnt` by them dont go thru them again!! Personally i have no problems what so ever with my orders and have found their customer service very helpful when i had to ring them. But i am obviously one of a minority.

RE: Battle Royale problems.

If you can hack your player to region 0 can you hack it to region 3? that might help, it may have some kind of RCE on it you never know...

RE: What`s up with Play247

I have managed to get in touch with Play several times, though not without a lot of will power to actually keep trying untill the phone rings and then waiting for wh knows how long in their queing system. What have i found out? Nothing I ask them about my order and the say `Oh three to five days` they have said that twice now, after i had given them the grace of three days that is, and the fact my order status has not budged since the thursday and monday that i ordered my dvds.
Whereas this sounds like a bit of a rant, which it is i suppose, I am also willing to play advocat as well, they are a busy company if you think about it and it must be hard for them to fulfil everyone. Although updating ordering statuses and simple things like having an automated reply system for the emails if they are busy so we dont feel ignored would be nice. Sorry to go on but as i am a student and have virtualy wasted two phone cards talking to play I feel inclined to air a view.

RE: Can any one tell me what machines have pal ntsc selection capabilities?

That is all very good and well but how? I am not as well versed in the world of cables and stuff, yet i know most things technical, but this has stumped me.

Please explain, but as far as i know i dont think i can make the orion use rgb, well i dont know if i can.
Is this rgb route the best way to go for most machines? Will this stop any lag? I am experiencing lag from the machine compressing the ntsc signal into pal, but i just thought i would have to put up with it. My current set up is a scart to s-video cable with an av cable to supply the colour and sound.

Any help would be great, thanks.

Can any one tell me what machines have pal ntsc selection capabilities?

I currently own an orion dvd2000 which included in its multi region hack is the abillity to select the type of playback, what i am wondering is is this unique? I ask because i donot have a tv that can handle ntsc(grits teeth in anger) and being a student cant really afford to buy both a new dvd player and a telly. So if you can help me please do, it will be gratefuly appreciated.

RE: Anyone have a Sonel `Mac Master`?

I bought mine about a week ago, it does work well although i havent really had time to use that much. However i have read someone else talking about flickering lines, but all i have experienced is a bit of disturbance as it settles into doing its job.

RE: People Looking For a Macrovision Remover

when you say flickering lines, with respect to the sonel, what do you mean? i have a sonel and althouigh i do experience the flickering a bit it dies down after a bout five minutes and then i use it for my needs. As far as i can figure it is just the unit warming up. If you have anything else to add please do so as i may buy a lektropack but i dont know if i can afford it.

Sonel mac buster/master cable

I received my cable from sonel over the weekend and it works like a charm, the picture is a little darker than the actual thing but hey who cares, as long as it isnt flashing light and dark. So as a personel recomedation for anyone out there who wishes to view their dvds through their video (for whatever reason. *wink wink say no more*) the sonel cable is the best and cheapest solution out there.

macrovision cables

Is there anyone out there who has actually tried one of these fabled macrovision beating cables? If you have do they work? Its just i would really love to know as i wish to buy one.