Info and forum posts by 'santobugito'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 29th June 2001, 16:50, Last used: Friday, 29th June 2001, 16:50

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Can anyone recommend a CHEAP

Try the Yamaha AVS-70, good system for the price. If you can get it from Richer it is 200 quid, else it will be 280 from Empire Direct (when I brought it it was). It is quite neat as the front 3 speakers and amp are in 1 TV top unit. The sub is very nice as well. Has got optical and coax inputs, 4 phono inputs.

Santo Bugito

RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

I am of the school of thought that for far east movies you listen to it in cantonese (or whatever the base language) and watch english subtitle. It is much preferable for films from CTHD to Akira and Jackie Chan movies. Since when is `I kill you b*****ds, if it the last thing I do` been an integral part of mandarin (see various US dubs of JC movies)


RE: ITV Digital Set Top Box

When OnD was first launched, this was the deal from comet etc

Pay £200 for Digibox
Pay over £300 for a TV
Recieve cashback of £200 from OnD and you own the box

I was an OnD customer until yesterday. My box was rented so it had to go back. However a family member did the above deal and now no longer needs the box, so I have got hold of it. You needed to be a very early subscriber to get the deal above, I joined 6 months after it started and it had finished by then


RE: Simpsons Series One Box Set - R1 and R2

The reason it is 17.99 is to get past import restrictions, which means Import duty can be charged if the item is 18 quid or over (36 or over for a gift), you will find very few single DVDs from R1 at Play for over 18 quid)

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

I ordered my AV system and it arrived in 2 days from them. I must have had a bit of luck!


I placed an order 2.5 weeks ago, got my first DVD this week, waiting on the second.

Phoned their custom service number (yes, someone was on the other end at 7.25 in the morning, if you cant get thru during the day). They said to give it 2 days and then phone back. The number is 0845 345 3715.

BTW : I got a conformation email the day after I placed the order.

One thing that bugs me about some DVD web sites NO ORDER TRACKING SYSTEM, good old play247 still the best IMHO.

This item was edited on Thursday, 16th August 2001, 07:54

RE: Virgin 2 for £20

Got resivior dogs and ronin in same offer, was tempted by 12 monkeys and Trainspotting but I resisted (doesnt happen very often with DVDs)


RE: Very simple questions to start me off with DVD

If you really couldnt get a new TV, how about

DVD ----scart-----> Video ------aerial cable----> TV


RE: Dolby Digital Sequences / Openers

The best I think is the T2 - UE R1, with the THX reforming from the droplets of mercury.


RE: Akira - limited edition tin box.

Probably, mine is still on Order Taken.



There are the obvious ones

Best Sound
Best Picture
Best Extras
Best R1 Title
Best R2 Title
DVD best used as a coaster
Best use of DVD medium
Most useless extra

RE: Hitachi tv opinions

Had the same TV for about 2 months now, found it a very good TV, with excellent imaging (only found the 4:3 display setting option yesterday, doh!). The sound seperation is excellent as well, my only bug bear is that is lacks a bit of oomph in the volume department, however what is does is loud enough for general TV viewing.


Sony HTK215 Package or Yamaha AVS70 Package

Has anybody got either of these packages (amp + speakers), and if so how good is it?


This item was edited on Sunday, 8th July 2001, 08:08

RE: Widescreen tvs

I`ve got the C28W411TN TV and it has an excellent image and good audio seperation, my only gripe is that is lacks a bit of volume, however if you are using an amp for that then it is not an issue.

It is a well set up TV, decent stand too, enough to hold DVD, Video, Digital Box and Playstation.

If you want one at 380 inc delivery then did this model last time I looked at the site.

Also about saying 28 inch is too small, it is dependant on the size of the room. I have a small living room and a 32 inch would just be too big at the moment (when I move house, I want to get a 36 in model, but the front room will be about twice as big).

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 13:28

RE: Anyone having problems with R1 T2 Ultimate Edition

Works fine on my TEAC DVD3000 player.

In what way does it "screw up"?


RE: Cables - do you choose brand names??

Given the setup I think 100 quid would do the job nicely.

4 pairs of the Cambridge Audio or Ixos at around 20 quid each, and a decent scart at 15-20 quid.

If you ignore the cost of the TV, it broadly fits into the 10% rule.


RE: Help please!!!! to choose a player for £150 - £200 that`s easily hacked to play reg.1

I`ve got the TEAC DVD-3000. I paid 230 for it, but it is available for 200 quid now (try easyvalue website to get the shop).

Great sound and picture, decent solid unit as well.

It is made multiregion by asking the seller to run the offical TEAC region unlock disk on it (saves hacking)


RE: Cables - do you choose brand names??

I agree, my TV is a Hitachi 28in WS and the player is a TEAC DVD3000 and I use a £13 scart lead (gold connectors, decent width to the cable). The 5m Ixos Bronze does a good enough job for the sound.

For 35 quid, you should be able to get both cables (audio in 1m version) from a good shop.


This item was edited on Saturday, 30th June 2001, 08:24

RE: Cables - do you choose brand names??

I agree about IXOS cables.

Beacuse of my set up, my DVD player is the opposite corner of the room to my amp and speakers (only stereo at the mo).

I`ve got the IXO bronze 5 metre cables and for the length of cable they do an excellent job. For about £20 pounds they do a standard 1m version.

Heard some more expensive ones (silver it think, about 30-35 quid, don`t quote me on that) and they sound rather good too.