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Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th September 2001, 18:23

Just a quick post to mention JL are going to stop doing internet price matching.

I was in the store today doing a price match purchase and the sales manager mentioned that they were ceasing internet price matching on the 20th - (unfortunately I didn`t catch which month, so she was
reffering to either Sept/Oct or Nov.)

Thought worth mentioning, as i know a number of people like to use the price match at JL.

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th September 2001, 19:24

That`s a darn shame - we`ll have to go back to the old-fashioned way of waiting for a week for something from Unbeatable or Empire Direct now rather than getting it straight away.

Mind you, they must have been losing an absolute mint on this one !

Thanks for the heads up, Ant

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th September 2001, 20:38


I wish it was only a week to wait for Empire to deliver....

So far, I have been waiting a month for my DVD player!

Oh Well, it was cheap I suppose.

Big A

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th September 2001, 23:10

A month ? That`s crazy talk.

Hope they haven`t charged your credit card !

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

Big A (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th September 2001, 23:33

Thats what really p***ed me off....they charged my debit card after three days of it being order!!!!!!!!!!

I have phoned them on numorous ocassions and they say that they have had some 200 orders (Samsung M105) and that they are awaiting a delivery any time soon.

I have told them of my disgust but if they have had 200 orders I don`t think they really give a s*** about what I think.

Big A

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

santobugito (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 07:52

I ordered my AV system and it arrived in 2 days from them. I must have had a bit of luck!

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 17:10

I ordered:
Speakers form
Amp from unbeatable
Speaker cable from hifijunkies.

All nearly 2 weeks ago and not heard a thing!!, apart from unbeatable who wrote to me yesterday to say they are having problems getting with stock and it will be sometime in october!!.

Even at John lewis I am having to wait for a new panansonic vcr because they dont have any stock. Richer sounds were out of stock on everyting I wanted !!!

Does no-one carry stock these days!!. :-)

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th September 2001, 06:55

I guess that`s part of the price we pay for demanding the lowest prices - stock in a warehouse costs money - stock ordered when you have a sale doesn`t.
The downside is though that if a particular merchant follows this policy all the time, pretty soon they`ll get a bad reputation, and people will start paying a bit more elsewhere for goods that are in stock.

This item was edited on Sunday, 16th September 2001, 06:56

RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

umern (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th September 2001, 11:22

John Lewis have bought

I guess they dont want to be matching their store prices with their own (usually cheaper) web presence.

RE: John Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2001, 11:10 is more of a different market/different product range

John Lewis are lauching there own ecommerce site end of october which is why i suspect this internet price matching is stopping. However I can`t see JL`s online prices being as good as qed, empire etc.

JL`s electrical turnover sales must have gone through the roof these last few months with everyone online going to them with online price matching.

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