Page 1 of olympus mju 300 3.2 Mpixels

Bargain Buckets Forum

olympus mju 300 3.2 Mpixels

S_m_O_k_E (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th January 2004, 21:22

what can u say about olympus mju 300? where can i buy a cheap one? THANKS so much in advance....

RE: olympus mju 300 3.2 Mpixels

DavoTheMainMan (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th January 2004, 21:41

It is a very well respected camera, very similar to the C350Z in terms of spec. but just a better (metal) case and build.

Try they have this camera and others on clearance (£193.49) - at this price a real BARGAIN !!!

If only everything was half price at Woolies !

RE: olympus mju 300 3.2 Mpixels

rickc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th January 2004, 23:10

It`s always worth checking for prices before you buy.

You can get the Olympus Camedia C-350 for £140 from Amazon or the Olympus Mju 400 for £230 (4Mpix) also from Amazon. Also 4 Mpix is the Olympus CAMEDIA C 450Zoom from Dixons for £204 (inc post) or for a few pounds less you could get it from but this is the Danish version.

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