Page 1 of Toy Story1 R2 £7.99
Bargain Buckets Forum
OK - the snag is that it`s from Splash, but it`s supposed to be in stock, and you may still be able to get a £2 new email discount from them.
You would be better off ordering the Finding Nemo and Toy Story DVD Offer from HMV, get both for under £22
When TS2 first came out, I bought R1 TS1 & 2 for £16 approx. (Finding Nemo £11 quid from DVD soon for Xmas).
I swear the kids try to wear them out. ;)
"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"
Bigger on the inside
Well Splash have just got a order of me, just need bugs life and TS2 for the same price. :) :)