Page 1 of MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

Bargain Buckets Forum

MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

Sconie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 17:43

Ok not everyones cup of tea, but I ordered these from a couple of weeks back, they came yesterday and play well, films are individual seperate boxed disks and not two on one as the web site implies, good range of movies and very good e-mail response via link.


RE: MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

fabryuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 18:12

Sconie, I Think it is a silver (pirate dvd), as they sell Indiana Jones DVD as well (Obviously, it is not relerased yet)

RE: MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

SC00T3R (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 21:51

No question these are bootlegs. They also have the original Star Wars trilogy available and even list that the discs have been digitally transfered from LD!

RE: MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th August 2001, 22:42

Sconie - we have already established on several of your threads that this company is selling silvers (i.e. bootleg copies).

Sorry to sound so rude, but you may wish to stop pushing this company now as doing so is, technically, in breach of the forum rules (relating to illegal practices).

Thanks for your co-operation

DVD Reviewer

RE: MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

Sconie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 10:13

Sorry to upset you, I am not meaning to push this or any other company on your web site. I am new to the DVD world and do not Know what a silver is ?, if anyone can tell me what to look for I would be grateful, I have found many bargains in the last few weeks thanks to this forum and I thank the posters for the info.


RE: MI 1 & MI 2 for £9

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th August 2001, 18:55


A "silver" is, for want of a better word, a "bootleg", usually sourced from the Far East, and quite often a direct transfer from a LaserDisc. The quality is rarely above VCD-level (ie poor in comparison to a DVD) and is also not sanctioned by the studio, director, actors, etc.

Once you hang around these forums for a while, you`ll get to know what is and isn`t a silver. You`ll find most regulars abhor them, because at the end of the day some Del Trotter is making a mint at the unsuspecting customer`s expense.

For that reason never expect to get DVD copies of Star Wars (Phantom menace excluded - due for an October release), Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park 3, Tombraider, etc etc.

To check the legitimacy of a title you are best of checking the disc is available at reputable companies like , who stock Region 1 discs (ie US/Canadian releases) - these releases generally come out earlier than in our Region.

If in doubt about the legitimacy of a title, ask here - altho` expect tobe greeted with cries of "shiver me timbers" and "yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" (references to piracy).

I hope this helps you matey !

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