Info and forum posts by 'clayts'

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Joined on: Sunday, 1st October 2000, 16:06, Last used: Saturday, 6th August 2005, 18:21

Access Level: Elite

About this user: JOB AT REVIEWER 2001- 31 May 2005 (now retired): Jackboot wearing, stroppy good for nothing, chirpy cheeky Cockernee moderator what lives in Nottingham

External Image: ""

LOVE OF MY LIFE : mmmmm Sampo DVD players... Area 450

DVD PLAYERS (!) : Sampo DVE612 (mothballed), Encore DV450 (mothballed), Grundig GRP6000 (mothballed), Grundig GDV210 (broken), Philips DVD710 (bedroom player), Wharfedale M5 (mothballed), Scheider DVD810 (mothballed), DK Digital DVD-339 (on loan from UK importer)
AMP : Sony STRDB790
SPEAKERS : Wharfedale Diamond 8.3 (front), Wharfedale Diamond 8 centre, Mission m7d (rear), TDL Nucleus 2 (rear centres), Eltax Atomic A8 subwoofer
VISUALS : Sony KX28DL11U IDTV, Sanyo 21 inch (bedroom TV), 12 inch Bush black and white portable TV from 1973 that still works (and has a dial on it, and one of them round wire aerials that sticks into the back, and stuff...)
DIGITAL TV : Pace ntl digital cable box

MOTTO :For the love of lard, read the Forum descriptions before you post something, eh ?

FAVOURITE EXCUSE TO ROBERT JOHN SHEPHERD : Okay, I pressed the Delete button instead of the Move Post sack me !

This user has posted a total of 7679 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.87 messages a day, or 6.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Tutty bye, lovely people

Thank you all so very much for your nice words - I am genuinely touched and quite emotional as I read through all these lovely postings...

Andrew - name the train time, the beer you want and how many crates of aforementioned beer... ;)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

Tutty bye, lovely people

It is with considerable sadness that I have to report that from today I am disengaging from regular contact with DVD Reviewer, and in particular from moderating the message boards.

I`m involved in a couple of new exciting projects, the first one very dear to my heart, which will eat away at my spare time.

Firstly, I will be devoting a lot more time and energy to my favouritest band ever, The Fall, who are long overdue a massive break this year (viewers of Later with Jools Holland on 20 May 2005 were, I hope, severely tested by the band`s appearance :p). I already moderate on their message board, as well as attempting to run a nerdy cataloging site about everything they`ve released from 1977 to the present day (believe me - it`s a lot !). I will also be involved in a couple of other behind the scenes things, the details of which I won`t bore you with here.

Secondly, I will be returning to a hobby which I abandoned about 10 years ago, and that is reviewing gigs and records on a paid-by-the-article type arrangement (and not many beans, more`s the pity) for a monthly music mag. I used to edit the art and music section of the old Loughborough Uni student newspaper, and a chap I got onto the rocky road of rock journalism back in the early 90s has done very well for himself since meeting Clayts "Midas Touch" Hayward and is kindly repaying the favour, which is extremely generous of him...

I`ve been moderating here, I think, since early 2001 and boy have I seen some changes. It`s amazing the amount of people who`ve circulated through this forum, and come out still sane the other side (and those are just the ones that didn`t get banned by me !). So, special hugs to Andrew Bruce, Westy and to Jimbo, three old stalwarts who have been here virtually the same length of time as me. There`s probably a whole heap more I could thank but those three in particular have been excellent friends to me, in one way or another. Please don`t feel slighted if I`ve forgotten you - I love you all, dammit !

Also I`d very much like to thank Dan and Robert for their humour, their support and most of all for the harem of ladies supplied as part of the job of moderator (along with free entry to and complementary drinks in every sleazy dive bar in Soho going) - I shall miss these two geezers incredibly.

I like to think that in my time as mod, I have acted fairly and reasonably, although no doubt there have been times (usually when drunk) when I screw things up, delete posts I shouldn`t, ban everyone and send spam to every e-mail address in the database (the last two are lies, by the way).

I shall still drop in from time to time to say hello and catch up with the gossip, but now, the end is near, etc, etc, etc.

Thanks for having me - it`s been great fun :)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

This item was edited on Tuesday, 31st May 2005, 18:45



Suppose this will be me barred again.

Yup, quite probably for good this time....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Please Mods answer this question for me

I buy my sunglasses from RJS all the time, albeit at a reduced staff rate of five shillings and sixpence. :8


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: My son walked out of his job last week but the dole don`t consider his reasons grounds for doing

Constructive dismissal cases are extremely hard to win, particularly as employers are required now by law to have a set grievance procedure or employees to follow.

If your son failed to follow this procedure, I`d say his chances of winning such a case would be reduced considerably, I`m afraid :(

As others have said, sounds like he`s well out of it, but the problems he faces now (no dole, reduced likelihood of winning a Tribunal case) are maybe more of a nasty predicament to be in than he could have been if he`d followed procedure.

Sorry to be such a mardy-pants, but as a trained Union official I`ve seen this happen over and over again when, sadly, employees suffer in silence and then decide the only thing to do is to walk away.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...

Your use of the DVD Reviewer forums is subject to your agreement to restrict your posting of any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable material of any kind, including, but not limited to, any material which encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, violate the rights of others, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or international law.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

Enough of the sexist "phwooar" threads, already...

Lads, I know it`s Summer but this Forum is turning into a spotty teenager`s lust forum, and is getting a little bit childish, if you want my opinion.

Please respect the fact ladies come here too - not very nice for them to see countless threads "phwooaring" over people.

Call me old fashioned, but I come here to have interesting debates, not the sexist lusting crap that has been appearing here, particularly today.

Sod off to the Choking the Chicken forum if you want to keep up with this rubbish.

Thank you...


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: R+ plus or R-minus ?

Paull`s alloweds back if he chooses.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Curry`s Gaurentee a waste of time !

I can`t believe they`re still pulling this stunt - do a search on all the forums for Dixons Store Group - plenty of posts by me about their cowboy tactics and feigned total ignorance of all consumer laws.

The law is on your side....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Whats been your best buy on Ebay?

Double cassette deck audio separate (to convert my old audio tapes to CD before you start calling me Grandad) - £5.50 : in excellent working condition, although it`s made by Sansui *cough*

JVC NICAM 6 heads Videoplus recorder (to convert my old video tapes get the picture) - £15.50 : as good as new : the vendor put very little info up about it, so I went to JVC`s website, found the manual and realised it was a great recorder - and it is :)

Motherboard for my PC as I broke mine - £20 : on sale at eBuyer and Maplins last week at £60


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: New Sony Ericsson T290i FREE on FREE 12 month contact - Plus make £28 PROFIT !!

Yes, full marks to RM for doing that, although technically he shouldn`t post the affiliate codes here at all.... :p

Added Rpoints tag - to be fair to the OP he usually does it.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Price comparison - bargains ahoy!

Website was owned by person making the first post, surprise surprise.

I`ll shift this to RR forum as there are some useful links here :)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Help PC won`t reach POST

See if you can work out here which beep code relates to your situation


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Help PC won`t reach POST

Don`t talk to me about PCs failing to POST - exactly what I`ve got on my Staples Xmas bargain - mind you, twas me own fault for inserting the CPU upside down and pressing ON I s`pose, when I changed the heatsink and fan :0

I wonder whether your motherboard is an Asus KV8 model ? This is a common problem with a run of Asus boards (some sold by eBuyer), which ends up being a catch 22 : you need to update the BIOS chip on the PC, but you can`t do that as the PC won`t progress beyond POST - the only way to rectify this is either to RMA the faulty board, or send the BIOS chip off to Asus and get them to send a new one.

Actually, your PC is reaching POST (power on self-test), what it isn`t doing is loading the BIOS, as the POST identifies there is a problem.

The most common cause for errors of this type (believe me, I know this as I have researched it thoroughly - stuck the replacement CPU in and still can`t post) are :

- check the memory is installed correctly - it could have wiggled loose (try removing one strip if you have two)
- problem with the video card - check this is installed properly
- the CPU may not have full contact with the heatsink and is thus overheating : luckily for you, the BIOS has a built in temperature sensor, protecting the CPU from overheating any further, and thus results in obscure error messages
- the PSU is on its way out
- the motherboard is FUBAR

Do you get any beeping noises from the PC ? Quite often these beeps mean something and can assist troubleshooting - need to know what BIOS you use - eg Phoenix, Award, etc

Something must have happened for this error message to appear- was there any hardware changes made ?


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Another god damn student having a moan :-D

My friends think I am racists

That`ll be `Rascist` then.....

No, that`ll be racist then, from race-ist :D


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: SelectDvds

No, for the simple reason that :

NB: The views expressed below are entirely those of the individual who posted them. Reviewer Ltd holds no responsibility for the accuracy of these views.

However, there`s nothing to stop you amending the title of your first post, if you feel so inclined :)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site



A) Tired of every other thread being "SOMETHING SOMETHING EBAY"

B) Tired of every other post making baseless claims/accusations and people never backing them up.

And who here forces you to read them ?

Sometimes these threads are very helpful, particularly the ones in category A - believe it or not, not everyone here is as clued up as you about dodgy goings-on at eBay, and I think they serve as useful heads up to members of the community, esp. new ones


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: - Anybody use them?


You posted info about "I can send you a code which gets you a free 4 week trial and me 4 weeks free too" - yeah, you and every LoveFilm customer, Ste ;).

All of the "deleted message" e-mails we send are pre-written, so this was the nearest. Essntially, you stood to gain from this post, which is as near as affiliation as you can get.

Reestit posts non-affiliated links here, which is fine - it`s up to folks to consider whether they wish to reward him via his website. As his bargains are so very popular, the uproar in banning him isn`t productive - he doesn`t post affiliated links - you did....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

This item was edited on Saturday, 16th April 2005, 15:56


Thing is, the sale of any copied material is just plain wrong on eBay. People buying copies are as much in the wrong as those selling it (in your case, it may not have been obvious, mind).

You have a duty of care to the eBay community as a whole to report it - eBay are really cracking down at the moment and do respond to reports submitted by members.

Of course, if you are a genuine fan of a band/TV series/film etc, you really should know what is legitimate and what isn`t....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Yellow RGB Picture on Pacific 1002 DVD PLayer

Check the SCART lead hasn`t worked loose ;)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: DAB Radio

If you`re on digital TV, DAB is part of the package already - you just need a decent amplifier to make the best of it :)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: An Apology

Surely the intent is there - the way it`s worded or spelt is irrelevant in my books.

I think we should close this now, for fear of starting a pedant war :p

Apology accepted, Wullie.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Master Replicas LOTR Frodo Sting Sword FX

Still an auction - not a bargain :D

Those of a suspicious nature look away now...



Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: DVD recorder...Sony or Panasonic?

And I thought you were a Sampo man.

I am, but their recorders are hopelessly inadequate...


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: DVD recorder...Sony or Panasonic?

Take a week off each, Paull and phelings, I really can`t be doing with either of you answering back, particularly when I invited the pair of you to post on your own thread, created by Chris Ogden for the very reason some of us here are bored with your constant sniping at each other..

Act like adults, and you`ll be treated as such.

All this "he says, she says" does my bonce in....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th April 2005, 01:16

RE: Can standard CD players play .WAV files ?

The problem may be the media rather than the method you used to burn the tracks - some older CD players cannot handle CD-R which use different dyes to standard audio CDs.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: DVD recorder...Sony or Panasonic?

Give it a rest you two - you`ve got your own thread to bitch with each other, don`t hijack others` threads.

I have the Sony and echo the sentiments of the poster on page 1 of this thread - both recording and playback quality is simply superb - the HQ (1 hour) mode in particular has to be seen to be believed - it actually seems to improve upon the original recording from digital cable :)

There is a little bit of fan noise when recording, but it`s hardly earth-shattering and given that a lot of folks have AV kit anyway, the volume will drown it out. It stops immediately when the timer recording finishes anyway.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: help converting files

"lol" use Xvid, as opposed to DivX - make sure you have downloaded the Xvid codec to your PC.

Before getting it to play on any hardware DivX you may need to unpack the bitstream - this is what I have to do for some files. I use MPEG4 Modifier for this - works a treat :D

Then just burn the files to a CD or DVD as an ordinary data file and your DivX player can pick it up.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site


It is a requirement under the Distance Selling Regulations that retailers must have a non-PO box contact address and a contact telephone number displayed on their website. Failure to do so is a breach.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: hacking anything

Click brrr.....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site