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DVDs & Films Forum

best films ever

555 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th May 2003, 20:27

what is everyones top 5 films of all time ever!?!?!
and only a top5!
mine is
1 - Face/off
2 - Snatch
3 - Fight Club
4 - Se7en
5 - Shrek (lol)

i know the last 1 seems a little out of place but its so funny!

RE: best films ever

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th May 2003, 20:30

Go and sign up on YMDb: where loads of people (over 6000 users) share their top 20 films. The link to my list is in my signature below...

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This item was edited on Thursday, 15th May 2003, 21:31

RE: best films ever

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th May 2003, 20:40

1. The Empire Strikes Back (Lets just include ALL the Star Wars films here though :-) )

2. The Fellowship Of The Ring

3. Donnie Darko

4. Terminator 2

5. Bullet in the Head

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: best films ever

kickback123 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th May 2003, 21:10

1. the matrix

2.oceans eleven (2001)


4.die hard

5.transformers the movie

RE: best films ever

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th May 2003, 13:50

1. Terminator 2
2. Fight Club
3. Aliens
4. Dumb n Dumber
5. The Crow

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RE: best films ever

Stressed-Dad (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th May 2003, 14:20

1 - Scarface
2 - Godfather 2
3 - Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring
4 - Casino
5 - Halloween

"If you dont like what you see, then stop looking!"

RE: best films ever

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th May 2003, 21:50

1 - Dogma
2 - Pulp Fiction
3 - Goodfellas
4 - Love, Honour & Obey
5 - The Shawshank Redemption

RE: best films ever

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 16th May 2003, 21:50

Sorry, it posted twice

This item was edited on Friday, 16th May 2003, 22:51

RE: best films ever

readmenow (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th May 2003, 16:55

1. Fletch
2. Star Wars (A New Hope)
3. Restless Natives (wish it was on DVD)
4. Memento
5. Shawshank Redemption

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