Page 1 of Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

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Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 11:34

There are some movie sequels we have bought just to complete the set, but what movie sequels have you refused to buy on dvd, because they are just simply s***e?

Superman IV: Quest for Peace

Matrix Revolutions

Jaws II, III, IV

Star Wars:- Episode I and II and most likely III

Gremlins 2

From Dusk till Dawn 2 and 3

Robocop 3

Men in black 2

Lost World: Jurassic Park

Mad Max III: Beyond Thunderdome

Ghostbusters II

An American Werewolf in Paris

That is only half of sequels I refuse to buy.

Sequels I hated but had no choice, because they were part of a box set are...

Vegas Vacation

Godfather III

Alien III and IV

Police Acadamy V, VI, VII.

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, kiss my ass, kiss his ass, kiss your ass, happy Hanukkah.

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 11:42

Most of the above plus Matrix Reloaded... I`m pretending the Matrix sequels didn`t happen.

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RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 13:23

Terminator 3 --- Cold day in Hell!
Beverly Hills Cop III will never pass my front door either

I had no choice about Robocop 3, honest m`lud

Jitendar Canth

"Back off man, I`m a scientist!"

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Monday, 29th March 2004, 14:25

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Chode (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 14:25

Sorry, off topic but Jitendar Canth, I love your quote

Back off man, I`m a scientist!

where is it from.

This item was edited on Monday, 29th March 2004, 15:28

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 14:41


When Venkman is interviewing the Librarian about her encounter at the beginning of the movie.

Venkman: "Are you, Alice menstruating right now?"
Head Librarian: "What`s that got to do with it?"
Venkman: "Back off man, I`m a scientist!"

Jitendar Canth

"Back off man, I`m a scientist!"

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Monday, 29th March 2004, 15:43

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 16:01

Bad Boys 2. Utter, utter garbage, no matter how many things blow up, it still ain`t entertainment...

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 17:17

Oh and should`ve stuck with my gut feeling (and imagination) and not bothered buying Battle Royale 2.
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RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 17:58

Highlander 2 (or any of the others for that all ended at the end of Highlander as far as Im concerned)
From dusk till dawn 2 and 3 was there any point to these?
Martix:revolutions (Im regretting buying reloaded lol...having the first film is ok..but 2 parts of a trilogy?...might buy revolutions in a sale to complete the trilogy ..its bound to be in the bargain bin within a month or two anyhow :p )
Predator 2...awful
Terminator 3...dear oh dear... :/ as with the Matrix..I have The Terminator and I just try and forget terminator 3 exists?

"Twenty-eight days, six hours, forty-two minutes, twelve seconds.
That is when the world.. will end."

My DVD Collection

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 18:04

I never formed an opinion of Reloaded, as it wasn`t a film in it`s own right (and was never meant to be regarded as such) but combined with revolution, I think they`re cracking films.

I ate what?

My Collection

RE: Movie sequels you refuse to buy on dvd

Ratopall (Competent) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 18:20

Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch

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