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DVDs & Films Forum

Movie plays with Jerks

Raghuveer (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th March 2001, 07:11

Unable to enjoy DVD movie.

My system Configuration :

Celeron 466
SiS620 VGA Card

LG 8080B DVD

Whichever DVD Movie I play the movie plays with slowmotion. Audio playback is fine. Left and Right motion of the actors is veryslow.

Could anyone solve this problem and make me enjoy..

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Toy_car (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th March 2001, 08:38

OK you will have to help me out
does the sis620 have hardware playback for DVD?
if so does the software thal you are playing the dvd with support the hardware?
if the answer to either of the above is no, then it could be that your processor can not hack it. try droping the quality of playback.

also go into system prop, and to the prop of you dvd rom, make sure DMA is ticked, and the data sync. as these wil also cause the said effects.

How often do you update your drivers? the IDE,AGP or VGA drivers could be at fault. updating the drivers may sort it out.

Check these out and let me know how you get on.

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th March 2001, 12:31

I`ve got a K6-2 475
128MB PC-100
TNT2 M64
4xDVD (Toshiba RC-2100 or something..can`t work)
SB-Live! Value

If I use DVDGenie to tweak settings and turn the qulity down low, I get pretty good playback (although I get crackling noises....SB Live! Problem apparently..still not fixed it yet though). I do get quite jerky playback if I turn all quality settings up. So basically what I`m trying to say is, you need MORE POWER!!! Either upgrade or get a decoder card to improve the speed while also improving performance.

I ummed and aahhhd for ages between an upgrade and a stand alone DVD player...I went for a Scan SC-2000...only had it a day but it`s such a relief to be able to wwatch movies on a decent telly rather than a poxy 14" monitor...also I can just grab the player and take it to my bird`s house to watch stuff there if we want. :)

This item was edited on Friday, 9th March 2001, 12:32

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Raghuveer (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th March 2001, 17:59

Hi, thank you for your support.

How could i know whether my sis620 got support for hardware playback support ?

And this morning only i tried with DMA ticked but no improvement..

I am working on drivers upgrade, once it is done, i will update you.

Is there a realation with directx for this problem ? If so i will download latest software for this and install. And how could i know the current version of directx installed in my system ??


RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Mr. K (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th March 2001, 20:50

The SiS620 doesn`t have any kind of hardware DVD acceleration (unlike the SiS630)

If I were you, I`d get an ATI card, they`re second to none when it comes to DVD playback. I have a cheap ATI Xpert2000 with 32MB of RAM and WinDVD uses only 30% of my Celeron366 when I watch DVDs. Of course you can get a dedicated DVD card like Creative Lab`s DXR3

Also, playback depends on the software player. WinDVD and PowerDVD are the best of the bunch.


RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Raghuveer (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th March 2001, 00:27

Hi Mr.K

So, can I go ahead and purhase either ADI Card or DXR3 and enjoy with my present system hardware configuration ? I face any problems after puchasing either of the card with either installation or configuration or compatibility problems ?

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Mr. K (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th March 2001, 20:49

I don`t know about the DXR3 but I never had prblems with my ATi Xpert2000 card. The chipsets used on the Xpert2000 and Xpert2000 Pro cards are fairly old so the drivers are stable. Just don`t expect great 3D games performance. If you play games, go for ATi`s Radeon; more expensive but much faster

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Raghuveer (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th March 2001, 18:07

I am only interested in watching DVD Titles..

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

Mr. K (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th March 2001, 20:13

In this case get an Xpert2000 Pro with 32MB RAM and TV Out

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

chugnut (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th March 2001, 13:23

the problem lies with your graphics Card - to be honest it is a very naff card - sorry to be blunt, maybe you should try getting the latest drivers for it before doing anything else. To enjoy better playback you could splash out about 50-60 quid on a DVD decoder card i.e. hollywood+ card is a good choice (this would also give you the advantage of outputting to a TV and a stereo with 5.1 sound decoding). Alternatively you could upgrade your Grpahics card to maybe a Geforce2MX, or an ATI Card which has MPEG hardware acceleration - either way it means spending some money unfortunately!

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