Info and forum posts by 'chugnut'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 2nd March 2001, 19:38, Last used: Friday, 2nd March 2001, 19:38

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Why are DVD`s so expensive???

DVD`s are the price that they are because researchers have studied this and price the DVD`s at the highest price they think the market will be able to support, even though it is proabably cheaoer to produce - pricing a DVD higher than its equivilent VHS video also gives the comsumer peace of mind that they think because they are paying more for the DVD that they are in fact getting a better product, also if they were priced the same it would vitrtually kill off the VHS market overnight, and seeing as a lot of movie companies still have big investments in this area dont want it to be detroyed instantly. A gruadual merging from one media to the other is preferred by them, that way they get a turn around from eacxh market, DVD and VHS, until as with CD`s and Tapes the market will deminish

RE: Varying picture quality from disk to disk, any answers ?

Because the quality of DVD films is soo good compared to VHS, when you see a difference in the playback quality of a DVD - you are infact seeing a difference in the quality of the actual film it was shot on !! At the moment there are virtually no companies who produce movies using DV film, the cost is just too great, but hopefully as production costs come down we will see an increase in companies using DV film, which will ultimately give the home user a better quality picture

RE: How many dvds do you all have?

At the end of the day all DVD films are is a new medium in which to watch movies - Do you/did you spend a lot on VHS videos ??? You just have to say to yourself am i buying this DVD because I really want the Film, or am i getting this DVD for the sake that its a DVD?

RE: Movie plays with Jerks

the problem lies with your graphics Card - to be honest it is a very naff card - sorry to be blunt, maybe you should try getting the latest drivers for it before doing anything else. To enjoy better playback you could splash out about 50-60 quid on a DVD decoder card i.e. hollywood+ card is a good choice (this would also give you the advantage of outputting to a TV and a stereo with 5.1 sound decoding). Alternatively you could upgrade your Grpahics card to maybe a Geforce2MX, or an ATI Card which has MPEG hardware acceleration - either way it means spending some money unfortunately!


I used to own a Proline DVD2000 player - i had exactly the same problem, the only sound bit of advise i can give you is to get rid of the machine cos i dont think they are very good anyhow, also I think that in the future problems like this one will be more common on this machine with new DVD films - try to swap it at comet for another model, maybe the philips 711 or 751, I was able to swap for one of these DVD drives on techincal grounds (won`t go into details) but i have had no problems with this player at all (so far!!).