Page 1 of The Conversation, Region 2 - poor sound ?

DVDs & Films Forum

The Conversation, Region 2 - poor sound ?

dqmailbox (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th April 2004, 22:42

Can anyone tell me if the wierd distortion noises at the beginning of the film, where a surveillance guy is spying on a couple and just before you see Gene Hackman`s character get into a van, is Coppola setting the mood or a faulty disc. Also, the sound quality on the featurette is really poor. Is this because of the age of the footage ?

I`ve never seen the film and bought it on the strength of its IMDb rating and my mates waxing on about it.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th April 2004, 23:44

RE: The Conversation, Region 2 - poor sound ?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 00:30

It`s part of the soundtrack... you get to hear all the of the conversation when Gene Hackman is working on mixing the 3 sound sources..

RE: The Conversation, Region 2 - poor sound ?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 09:47

is Coppola setting the mood or a faulty disc. Also, the sound quality on the featurette is really poor. Is this because of the age of the footage ?

aww.. bless! :-)

The movie is exceptional and the extras on the disc are brilliant too. I still like to think that Hackman is the same character in "Enemy Of The State". There is a rumor that the movie is an unofficial sequel. check out the mac that one of the agents wears. It`s the same as Harry Caul`s from the conversation too :-)

My DVD Collection

This item was edited on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 10:54

RE: The Conversation, Region 2 - poor sound ?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 10:50

It is a great film, and I thought the sound was rather amazing given it`s age.
Sound recordings seem to differ on films of all ages. Look at the original Star Wars (1977 and Special Edition), the dialogue sound quality is nowhere near as crisp as it`s sequels, and I`m sure this will be quite evident in the DVD release in September. I would guess it has something to do with the equipment, but I really don`t know... :/

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: The Conversation, Region 2 - poor sound ?

dqmailbox (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 15:30

Thanks Guys,


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