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Page 1 of Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

DVDs & Films Forum

Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 20:56

like the title says.

mine shipped today from cdwow. should have it purty soon eh?

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

izombie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 21:06

My region 1 is packing at DVD Soon.

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 21:16

My R1 has just shipped from DVD Concept

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 21:17

You guys who`ve bought it, have you actually seen it or are you buying it blind?
It`s just that I`ve heard it`s so bad. Of course, each to their own but was wondering if you`ve seen it yet because we haven`t even had it at the cinema.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

Graham Patrick (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 21:23

couple of people i know downloaded it, they enjoyed it....i was able to resist until i get the dvd, which is incidentally currently packing at dvd soon. can`t wait. :D

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

izombie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 21:53

No I haven`t seen it yet that`s why I ordered it. £11 for the DVD and if its crap I can sell it on ebay and get most of my money back maybe even make a profit. Or £10 for two tickets to the cinema + travel + overpriced drinks and munchies+haveing some prat behind you talk all through the film and waiting longer to see it. Bit of a no brainer really.
And the trailer looked great.Also I haven`t seen a Guillermo del Toro I haven`t enjoyed to some degree.

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

izombie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 21:58

Not packing anymore, it`s shipped! :D Can`t wait....

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd July 2004, 23:23

Well, I`ve just watched mine, & thought it was pretty good.
Not the best film I`ve ever seen, but better than a lot of films I`ve seen recently (LXG come to mind...)
Well worth the £7 I paid for it.
Most of the cinemas near me cost at least, it not more than £7 for one ticket, & as I watched it with someone else, I`m already quid's in.
7 out of 10


RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 23rd July 2004, 08:32

Got mine yesterday. Can`t see how its as bad as people say, Del Toro is a great Director (Devils Backbone is brilliant). My brother had seen it and thought it was ok, which if you knew him would mean its actually quite good.

I`m watching it tonight, I`m sure it can`t be that bad can it?

RE: Hellboy Region 3 - now shipping

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd July 2004, 08:39

I BT`d it a while ago.

Its ok, not great. If CD-WOW were punting the R3 for £6.99 (about a fiver with discounts) like they did Underworld, I would probably get it. But they arent so i wont.

The special effects make-up isnt great (especially abe sapien) but it does the job.

I think its got a bit of a bit of a bad rap, tbh. People have picked up on the fact that del toro for once hasnt produced a brilliant film and are just ragging on it because they can. Lazy reviewing contributing to urban myths, i reckon.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

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