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Page 1 of What`s the worst film ever?

DVDs & Films Forum

What`s the worst film ever?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 09:37

Personal opinions, so no flames please!!

I`ll get the ball rolling....

Having watched quite a number of bad films it`s quite tough but in recent memory, by far one of the worst films I have watched is The Thin Red Line. I mean...what was the point to that movie? I kept waiting and waiting for it to get going or build up to a climactic finish or SOMETHING...but of the dullest movies ever. I only sat through till the end, despite debating whether or not to with my girlfriend for some time during the movie, we left it playing because of the critical acclaim it got thinking there MUST be something good about the movie. It`s like a picture postcard movie...nice visuals, but does that really make a movie good?

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 10:21

as i said on my thread its got to be 8mm!

however after carefull thought i remembered two which were EVEN worse! theyre very old so i wonder if anyone else has seen them too. they are: The Wizard of Speed and Time and Willie Millie.

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

Boiledbrain (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 10:42

Magnolia ....OH MY GOD .... why did i wait 3 hours for the ending
Street Fighter
Navy Seals ....... american tosh "we are the super race".... bollocks
Anything with Van Damme in .... is there only me who can see he cant act for toffee.....
Boxing Helena..... if you get the chance to see it watch it .... its so bad ..... the most absurd film ever ....ha ha

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

Tony Vado (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 12:48

Boiling Point which stars Wesley Snipes is absolutely diabolical, it`s the text-book definition of DULL. I`d also have to say Velvet Goldmine, because It could have been an enjoyable quasi-musical that was fun and memorable. Instead though, it`s all very ponderous and dis-engaging, you couldn`t care less about the outcome and can barely follow the "Dreamlike" story. One of the most harmful faults a film can have is a dodgy ending and when V/G finished I just thought "What?", and "Why did they bother?".

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 13:55

Battlefield Earth. I only watched it to see how bad it actually was. And it was *really* bad. It wasn`t even funny. After seeing this movie you should wash your eyes out with Jif.

I disagree over The Thin Red Line. I mean there are "worst films ever" and starting off your thread with that is grossly unjustified. I mean you said the visuals were nice to start with, that`s more than you can say about Battlefield Earth.

Did you ever think that maybe that was the whole point - why are those men on that island getting their brains blown out or just rotting in the jungle? Apocalypse Now in WW2. *****SPOILER***** And you don`t think the "main character" gettting killed is a climax?

Just a difference in opinion, I would like to see the rest of the million feet of footage Mallick was purported to have shot and put this is the "best film/DVD" category - great story, acting, visuals, music and sound (when there is any ;^) ). Hope your g/f wasn`t dissapointed with George Clooney`s "performance" :D

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 14:00

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 13:58

Oops, sorry, that wasn`t a double post, or a flame - just a personal opinion ;^)

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 13:59

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 14:45

Heh. That just reminded me..yes Battlefirled Earth, really was a BAD film. Bizarre from start to finish.

Talking about George Clooney in the Thin Red, I may have dozed off here, but when I rented the DVD from Blockbusters, the only credit on the rental box was to George Clooney, yet he`s only in the film for all of a couple of minutes. I mean WTF? I think BB found it so terrible that the only way they could sell it was by mentioning a big name actor..even if he is in it for all of a few mins.

Oh and while we`re at it, Mission to Mars.....odd and dull...wrapped up into a very messy package.

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

erectionthatcouldcausearmageddon (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 16:35

natural born killers.



RE: What`s the worst film ever?

Fielding Mellish (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 18:18

Batman and Robin.
I`ve never walked out on a film in the cinema but this is as near as it has got.

RE: What`s the worst film ever?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th April 2001, 20:20

My cousin made me watch Rocky And Bullwinkle and i was really close to walking out of the cinema but stayed cos my cousin was enjoying it. PS my cousin is 19 lol
The English patient although i`ve only seen 1/4 of it.
Alien Ressurection is the worst dvd i have.
Jaws 3 and 4 look awful now i`ve grown up
Gang Related
The Corrupter

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