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DVDs & Films Forum

Superbit Collection?

baldbonce (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th March 2005, 00:18

Are they any good?
Do you REALLY notice the difference?
Wanna get snatch. :)

RE: Superbit Collection?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th March 2005, 01:01

Wanna get snatch.

Hehe, me too! :D

No seriously, you`ll only notice a real difference if you have a big cinema system to play with - huge TV, powerful DTS surround etc.

That said, SuperBit discs are relatively cheap these days, often more so than the regular versions, so you might as well go for it.

"Stigmata!!! In your eye!"

RE: Superbit Collection?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 6th March 2005, 10:47

Emperor`s new clothes. Snake oil. These are just two phrases that spring to mind...

RE: Superbit Collection?

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 00:14

Spiderman 2
Jurassic Park 1-2-3
Fast and the Furious
Vertical Limit
M-I-B 1-2

I have the above on Superbit and yes it does make a difference. I have a 44" RP tv and the picture is pinsharp. Running dvd through QED Scart (excellent scart lead) Sound through pioneer amp and yamaha power amps. Sound is awsome @ 768 kbs. Cheap as chips @ £10 each or cheaper off ebay.


dvdhouse ;)

RE: Superbit Collection?

baldbonce (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 05:45

Thank you all for your input.
Have taken note.
Many thanks :B

RE: Superbit Collection?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 08:58

I have the above on Superbit and yes it does make a difference.

It only makes a difference because Columbia`s `standard` transfers are so crushingly average to begin with. If they did a decent job in the first place there would be no need for `Superbit` titles. It`s a marketing gimmick, nothing else.

RE: Superbit Collection?

globalvillageidiot (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 09:20

It`s a marketing gimmick, nothing else.

And it seems to have done it`s job on some folks!!

Perhaps some people should get out copies of their old VHS films and check the difference between them and the earlier DVD releases. Big difference but not that big compared to a lot of today`s releases which are generally superb (admittedly not all!).

RE: Superbit Collection?

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th March 2005, 23:15

dont totally agree with ya Gouldy but everyones got an opinion.


RE: Superbit Collection?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th March 2005, 14:05

Indeed, but mine just happens to be correct ;)

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