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Scary Films?

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 17:29


Looking for some recommendations on Scary Films.

I haven`t seen a decent scary film in ages, in fact the last film that i watched that scared the s*** out of me was blair witch.
(i know some will think this wasn`t scary at all but it certainly got to me!!)

Can anyone recommend some other good scary/horror films that are worth watching for the "chill factor".


RE: Scary Films?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 20:23

not so much a scary film but a weird and disturbing one, have you seen the wicker man....?

RE: Scary Films?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 20:31

John Carpenter`s "The Thing"

It utterly scared the sh*t out of me when I first saw it and still gets to me to some extent. Its also a brilliant film in all respects, so definately worth looking into.

The DVD is damn good too.


RE: Scary Films?

Ant-dvd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 21:43

The thing - is that the one set in the antartic. Doesn`t a blokes head come off and turn into a spider?

RE: Scary Films?

Loc Pham (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 22:58

Try Ring and Ring 2.

RE: Scary Films?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th September 2001, 23:19

Thats the one.

Careful what you say though! Dont spoil it.

RE: Scary Films?

ian turner (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2001, 16:44

I would suggest The Haunting but the original isn`t available except as VHS, then theres The Changeling another haunted house film thats available on DVD region 1. As you liked Blair witch try The last broadcast which came out at the same time and is similar in style but with a definite rather than vague ending.
Audition is scarier than Ring/Ring 2, ugh the needles , yerk the cheese wire :(

RE: Scary Films?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2001, 18:53

The thing
Scream 3

RE: Scary Films?

stefmcd (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd October 2001, 19:00

Classics are The thing, Alien, Westworld, Terminator, The Shining, It, Salem`s Lot, Rosemary`s Baby, Angelheart.
The only recent film which had me on the edge of my seat is Cube. Very imaginative and tense.

RE: Scary Films?

tazz (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th October 2001, 08:42

Blair Witch (come on the end must have freaked you out even if it is a rip off of Man Bites Dog)
and any time that Keanu Reeves has to attempt an English accent

Can`t think of any other truly scary / disturbing films (I`m not counting ones that just make you jump)

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