Info and forum posts by 'Ant-dvd'

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Joined on: Thursday, 16th August 2001, 22:07, Last used: Thursday, 16th August 2001, 22:07

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This user has posted a total of 55 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Help - what`s my best set up?

slight off topic here but i have a similar vcr issue with channel5
If my vcr is on i can`t get channel 5, if i turn my vcr off it appears!!!!.

RE: John Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon is more of a different market/different product range

John Lewis are lauching there own ecommerce site end of october which is why i suspect this internet price matching is stopping. However I can`t see JL`s online prices being as good as qed, empire etc.

JL`s electrical turnover sales must have gone through the roof these last few months with everyone online going to them with online price matching.

RE: Come on you lot- Sony Or Toshiba???!!!!

If you are going to go for a toshiba i would try holding off on your purchase for a few days.
Starting 1st october you get 3 free dvd`s with all tosh players apparantly.

RE: LG3200E + 20 DVD`s - any comments please

This is a very good player in my opinion a friend of mine has it and it is very good for the price, whether to buy it with the 20 dvd`s is a personal choice.
The reason i didnt go with this player was because it didnt player cdr but if you only want it for dvd then its a superb player.
As you say its multiregion (remote hack.)

You can buy the player for about £120 from richersounds or as you say pay the extra £80 if those films are ones you would like; personally i thought the 20 films were not very good apart from a couple and therefore i think i would have bought the player and then used the £80 to buy some films i wanted


RE: to antdvd and all tosh 210 owners

I wrote to them about the problem and they advised i needed to either contact the retailer i purchased it from if it was still in its 12month warranty or if outside of that contact one of there repair centres.

RE: Scary Films?

The thing - is that the one set in the antartic. Doesn`t a blokes head come off and turn into a spider?

Scary Films?


Looking for some recommendations on Scary Films.

I haven`t seen a decent scary film in ages, in fact the last film that i watched that scared the s*** out of me was blair witch.
(i know some will think this wasn`t scary at all but it certainly got to me!!)

Can anyone recommend some other good scary/horror films that are worth watching for the "chill factor".


RE: Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

I ordered:
Speakers form
Amp from unbeatable
Speaker cable from hifijunkies.

All nearly 2 weeks ago and not heard a thing!!, apart from unbeatable who wrote to me yesterday to say they are having problems getting with stock and it will be sometime in october!!.

Even at John lewis I am having to wait for a new panansonic vcr because they dont have any stock. Richer sounds were out of stock on everyting I wanted !!!

Does no-one carry stock these days!!. :-)

Jonh Lewis are cancelling internet price matches soon

Just a quick post to mention JL are going to stop doing internet price matching.

I was in the store today doing a price match purchase and the sales manager mentioned that they were ceasing internet price matching on the 20th - (unfortunately I didn`t catch which month, so she was
reffering to either Sept/Oct or Nov.)

Thought worth mentioning, as i know a number of people like to use the price match at JL.

RE: Come on you lot- Sony Or Toshiba???!!!!

I have the toshiba 210.
Its a great player but i find the drive noisy whilst playing. Given the choice again i would go for a sony

RE: need phone numder for toshiba

Schozzer the number you want is::

0115 976 6958
Monday - Friday 9.00-18.00 and Saturday 9.00-17.00

Let me know how you go on. I want to know if there is anything I can do with my player as well!!!.

RE: Pioneer 545

Can i ask were you got it from, and what you think of it, pic quality etc?.
It may sound strange but can also tell me if it strikes you as a quiet player ie when accessing a disc and playing etc.
Believe it or not i am now trying to find a particularly quiet player!!

many thanks

Pioneer 545

Anyone have the pioneer 545?.
Is it a good player?

RE: DVDPLUS What`s the score...

I ordered a disc from them last week which arrived 48 hours later without any problem.
In fact yesterday i received an email questionnaire from them regarding there service and how they could improve etc.

RE: speaker stands and baking sand

Shnozzer. - Can you email me I want to ask you a couple of questions on email.
email: ku209ynohtna[at]moc.oohay

RE: Can you hear your dvd drive?

very good bear.

I am finding mine to be much more noticeable than i expected.
I can hear the spinning of the disc whilst i am watching films, i did not expect this to be the case as it is very off putting.

Can you hear your dvd drive?

As i have only ever heard my own player, I wanted to ask others about the noise level generated by their players whilst playing a disc.
i.e. If you insert a disc and press play with all your sound turned off can you hear the disc spinning?, I have started to notice that with quiet scenes in films all I can hear is the spinning hum of the player !!!.
Is this typical of all players?


This item was edited on Sunday, 9th September 2001, 14:46

RE: Toshiba 210e debate

shnozzer - where did you buy your 210 from?

RE: Richer Sounds Online is Crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don`t know if i have just been unlucky but i have found RS to be of no help at all.

Being new to Av i heard about RS on this site etc and went to there shop in nottingham a couple of times but there was never anything in stock and the staff there didnt seem to have any idea when they would have them in stock either; This also meant i couldn`t audition the mission m series i wanted either.

The shop then suggested i try there website!! - But most things on there appear out of stock too and the email notification for when they will be in stock, as said above, didn`t email me at all, in fact the yam amp i wanted disappearred from the site altogether after I waited 4 weeks for it to be in stock!.

I then sent them an email enquiry which took them 2 weeks to reply to and again they were unable to say when they would have any stock of the Yamaha Receivers or Mission Speakers!!.

I totally gave up on RS and ordered from elsewhere.

Stock does seem to be an issue at RS. If they have it in stock i guess its great but if they don`t, no-one seems to know anything or can be of any help!.

The other thing that worried me slightly was that when i was there people were taking some stuff back for a refund becuase they had changed there mind and didn`t like it, which is great if your returning it, but then the next customer that comes in to buy that product is then probably going to get a product that other people have had and returned before him presumably!.

This item was edited on Saturday, 8th September 2001, 14:21

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Next doors cat coming in and peeing on my mission`s just what i need ;-)

RE: Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Cheers for the feedback on my question.

I am certainly glad i asked it now, i would have neither baked the sand or placed a bag inside the stand first.

Thanks very much

I am presuming i simply need to add the sand in small doses until i find the sound i like?. The problem with this i guess is it is difficult to go back
and take sand out as i put more in especially trying to take it out evenly from each speaker.

Does anyone have a rough idea of what sort of volume of sand we could be talking?.

Perhaps talking in pints might help :-) a couple of pints of sand in each?

RE: Toshiba 36ZP18P vs Sony KV-36FS70

I had to choose between the toshiba 36zp18p and Sony KV-36fs70

In the end chose the toshiba. Picture quality they both seem to be about on par when connected up properly, both receiving great reviews in the mags (i gave up on comparing in shop setups as not one shop i went to had them setup properly).

The toshiba is by far the newer of the tv`s and being £500 cheaper than the sony was also a factor in my choice. (£500 is a big difference in price)

I too bought the toshiba 210 dvd player and as Andy says above the picture quality of the 2 of these connected via my component is superb


(just waiting for my new Yamaha Amp and Mission M Series Speakers to be delivered - then i will have one great setup -i hope!)

Filling Mission M73 speakers up with sand?

Currently waiting for my new M73 Speakers to arrive.

A friend of mine showed me an article this morning about filling these speakers up with sand.

Does anyone here have these speakers?.
Have you filled them with sand?, if so which type of sand did you use?


RE: Rear speaker choice - bilpolar or not?

A fair point Neon.

I have decided to order the M7C centre. I have just telephoned a different superfi store for advice and have been told totally opposite advice.
His recommendation was that i should keep all the M series types together, rather than mixing with the 77 series. Although in saying that he didn`t have any of the 77 in stock but did have the M range!!.

That`s the problem with these shops you just don`t know if what they are telling you is really in your best interests!!.

Thank god for forums like this one :-)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 18:07

RE: Rear speaker choice - bilpolar or not?

Hi Lard im so jealous, i cant wait to get mine.
I am currently waiting for my amp to arrive before i order the speakers.

The thing about superfi was the price worked out the same which ever centre i was going to get, so he wasnt telling me this to make money.

Although i appreciate you say the m7c1 is great i cant help but wonder what difference the 77 centre would make

RE: Rear speaker choice - bilpolar or not?

The dipole rears it is then, thanks for fully making my mind up westy.

I would like to go for the M7C1 centre as this more asthetically pleasing then the 77 centre, but the guy in the superfi shop has really convinced me that the plastic exterior and basicness of it means it really isn`t up to much in comparison to the 77.

RS dont have any of these in stock so i am unable to audition them for myself hence my question here. Apparantly one of the arugments the guy said was the the 77 you could sit anywhere in the room and the centre was superb whereas with the MC71 you really have to be sat directly in front of it to get "decent" sound.

Lard - perhaps you could post your remarks when you have yours plugged in?

RE: Rear speaker choice - bilpolar or not?


Thank you for that i will take your advice and go for bilpolar for rears.

Can i ask you one other question which centre speaker do you have?.

I was origonally going to go for the M7C1 Centre, however i have today been down to superfi and the guy there suggested this was a very poor centre speaker indeed and does not deliver well at all. He strongly recommended I should go for the 77c1 as a centre.


Rear speaker choice - bilpolar or not?


I have decided to buy some new speakers. I have choosen the Mission M73 for fronts.

My dilema is what to choose for rears, standard or bipolar speakers.

Are bipolar speakers the much preferred choice as rears?. If so why?.
Will it be worth the extra money to go for bipolar (mission`s m7ds over m71)


fyi: receiver is yamaha rxv620rds

RE: Do u enjoy dts sound

After seeing a similar rather unusual question just posted in the hardware group i suspect raymond is having a laugh?.

RE: toshiba 210e and richer sounds purchase

Mine arrived this week

FYI i could only find two suppliers in the uk that provided this player with
Multiregion, rce, macrovision removed, which is what i wanted.
These were:

I bought mine from techtronics £224 but dvdmagic are cheaper at £219.
