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Page 1 of The Fountain

DVDs & Films Forum

The Fountain

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2007, 07:57

gf wanted to see that as likes Pi, and loves Requiem for a Dream. I enjoyed Pi, but I haven`t seen Requiem.

So we went last night, as it finished gf said to me "Shall we see a dumb action film next?"

we were both really disapointed.

it`s just so boring :( If there was a film to define style over content, this could be it :(

1/2 the story is like a rubbish made for TV movie about a couple dealing with her illness.

then it has bits which are a poor Indiana Jones knock off, and then it has other bits which are just pure pretentious nonesense for the sake of it!

I hadn`t read much anything about it, but had seen the mixed response to it, I can see why now.

at least there was a trailer for 300 which looks cool, Running with Scissors looked interesting too.


RE: The Fountain

1mills (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2007, 09:53

I don`t think I will go to watch it, the whole concept didn`t really click with me when it was in production and even when some of the initial reviews come out saying it was brilliant, what they seemed to enjoy about it sounded like a load of bollocks to me.

Now there`s been that many reviews saying that`s it`s quite pretentious I really don`t think I will like it at all.

My DVD collection

RE: The Fountain

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2007, 10:48

I`ve been looking forward to this for ages, and now that it`s finally out it`s got no publicity and isn`t showing at any cinemas near me :(

RE: The Fountain

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th January 2007, 13:52

I was expecting it to be showing at our local Picture House, but they have no mention of it. I only new it was playing at the Odeon, because I get the weekly emails from them.

It was playing in the smallest screen, 20:45, maybe about 15 ppl.

As you say, no publicity, but then his other films weren either were they? The only time I remember Pi being mentioned was Mark Kermode saying on the radio that everyone had to go and see it so he got to make more films.

RE: The Fountain

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th January 2007, 20:47

Brilliant, brilliant film. Anyone doubting recent cinema should see this. Can`t believe it, I was looking forward to it, love Pi and Requiem, but this exceded expectations. It`s just a beautiful story told in a beautiful way. I don`t think there is anything complicated about it, and certainly not pretentious. It does set the bar quite far out within the first 5 minutes, but it is all explained successfully without pandering to the audience.

The sad thing about this film is that it will be seen by many as an "art-house" film. While it is indeed a work of art, it is also a highly accessible comment on the value and fragility of life against matter. It may sound pretentious, but when you see it everything becomes quite clear. And Clint Mansell`s score was great.

RE: The Fountain

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th January 2007, 20:57


guess that`s why at metacritic it`s on 51%

ppl like you loved it, ppl like me didn`t so it averages smack bang in the middle!

I like to go to Metacritic out of curiosity, not to believe what some bloke from the Boston Evening herald thinks of a film. But it`s funny, this film, like Saw the average viewers score is quite different to the average "pro" reviewer`s score. I`m guessing that`s because generally ppl only vote if they really like, or really don`t like a film, and a film like this one, generally speaking, the type of person to go and see it, is the sort of person who will like it, apart from me and gf ;)

Clint Mansell`s score was indeed great, but then I loved PWEI, PI soundtrack, and Mogwai :)


RE: The Fountain

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th January 2007, 21:19

I like it when films split an audience down the middle, it`s usually a good sign and provides a lot to talk about 8)

RE: The Fountain

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th January 2007, 21:40

Right that`s it, after reading chewie`s review I`m definitely going on a mission this Saturday to see this... I hope they`re still showing it then lol

RE: The Fountain

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 00:51

I can`t get the blooming film out of my head (which is not good when you`re supposed to be writing ORIGINAL scripts for short films :p ). Although the music is both soothing and emotional all at once, which I`m listening to right now...

I had to take a break from my writing, and looked up the turbulent history of The Fountain. I remember when it was cancelled, but didn`t realise it was as long ago as 2002. In a way, I`m glad Brad Pitt jumped ship to go and do Troy, because although I like Pitt as a quirky performer I don`t actually rate him as an emotional actor. Hugh Jackman on the other hand is a pretty amazing actor who is yet to be formally recognised... but he will! I also can`t imagine Cate Blanchett in Rachel Weisz` role but I`m sure she would have been fine (although I think Weisz is a more innocent and has a bubbly persona I can`t imagine Blanchett playing... she`s too posh!). But then, when Pitt was onboard Aronofsky had over $70m to play with, when it was resurrected the budget was cut down to $35m. So I do wonder exactly what compromises were made.

Damn, you know when you`ve seen a great film when it consumes your mind all day long!

Had I seen this last year it would have been my number 1 film by a long margin. As it stands 2007 has got a lot to live up to.

RE: The Fountain

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st January 2007, 19:20

Wow, just got back from seeing it (couldn`t wait until Saturday) and I absolutely loved it.
I can see this being a film that I love more and more each time I see it. At first I was unsure if I was going to like it, but as it went on I really started to get emotionally attached (I even got a little weepy on a couple of occasions).

Loved Clint Mansell`s score too, been playing it non-stop since November... the last part of "Death Is The Road To Awe", and the scene that it accompanies, is probably the most euphoric thing I`ve ever seen in the cinema, I had goosebumps all down my back :D

I`m really glad this wasn`t made with Brad Pitt!

Any news on an uncut version on DVD? I have a poster on my wall that states it as an R rating for the US, which was later changed to PG-13 after some cuts, I think.

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