Thanks to this forum`s sound advice I bought some dvds while in California last week.
Got home to Belfast and they play perfectly on my Goodmans 125.
There just had to be a pay-off and herein lies the warning!!
One of the discs was "The Fisher King" - a movie I love, so I undid the security wrapping and opened the box to find it discless! If you find yourself in a similar position, check first, unlike poor me!
Ah but its so cheap to fly at the moment you`ve a perfect excuse to go back to LA to claim your discs. LOL!
It`s VERY tempting!
Slightly off topic, but - about 3 years ago I bought some trainers in New York. I tried the left one on in the shop, it fit so the salesman boxed them up, and I took them home and packed them.
When I got them home, I opened the box to wear them, and found I had 2 left shoes.
So for future reference, when buying shoes abroad, check you have a left and a right
Or better still, two right or left feet on the end of your legs ;-)