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Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 08:52

Technical question!

Can anyone advise as to whether the Picture Quality ( resolution ) is better on R2 than R1?

I understand that PAL tv`s are capable of producing Higher Resolution pictures ( 625, PAL as opposed to 525, NTSC )

But are all DVD players only capable of displaying around 540 lines?

Please advise?

RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 11:04

Technically, yes, in reality, sometimes!

People will argue and toss over this one til they`re blue in the face, but lets draw some comparisons first;

Fifth Element R1 VS R2(non Superbit); R1 displays arguably better colour saturation and sharper image. Overall image and quality is more pleasing on the eye than R2.

Atlantis R1 VS R2; R2 has artefacting(though not vey bad), and suffers from colour blocking effects. R1 has no such problems, pristine throughout-both are taken from a digital master too which makes this even more curious!

Just 2 examples that will prove some people wrong, however a noticable up in sharpness when watching in Pal is evident, some jaggies and edge enhancement is harder to see on some R2 than on R1 (Gladiator is one such disc).
But on saying that, anyone with a projector or plasma with progressive scan can certainly boast an R2 beating image - the images displayed are frankly excellent. Progressive scan works by a system called `3;2 pulldown`, which de-interlaces the NTSC (prog scan only works on R1 discs at the moment) image to make the line structure more solid, it shows the entire image as a frame, not via line by line scanning as is the norm with a conventional CRT tv. What you end up with is a luscious smooth and very film like image virtually free of any jaggies and what have you.
""But are all DVD players only capable of displaying around 540 lines?""

Technically yes, but when a disc gets its Pal release, they can pack more lines into the anamorphic encoding process, so when your tv stretches the image into anamorphic, it compacts 625 lines of detail into a 540 line image, hence the fact that the horizontal scan lines are visible on NTSC as its using fewer lines, and why you can`t see them on Pal.

Hope this clears things up for you.

All the best


RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 11:16

Thanks for the info!

RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 14:34

Westy, sorry to pull you up on this one but the Arcam FMJ DV27, Denon DV2800 and a Primere DVD player all have the ability to produse R2 Pal Prog Scan. Or If you are lucky enough to own a plasma or projector with componant in you could add an I-Scan Pro line doubler. This will all so give you Prog Scan with a PAL signal.

All the best,


RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 08:14

I have a Denon 2800, how can you make it produce PAL Progressive Scan?

Please advise?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 08:15

RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Neon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 08:34

Just to stick my oar in, 3:2 pulldown is nothing to do with progressive scan - it`s the method used to take film`s 24 frames per second and present it on NTSC`s 30 (or 29.97) fps. Many people find this technique causes noticeable jerkiness, especially in rapid movement/panning sequences and that PAL (especially progressive) is considerably more "film like". This in spite of the fact that PAL is presented 4% faster than film rate (25 fps).

RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 10:09


He had the answer to his question though didn`t he!? :-)
Neon i disagree with the `noticeable jerkiness` thing, i`ve found virtually every film i`ve seen on my mates projector using prog scan is superb, very smooth and the depth into the screen is stunning. And of course 3;2 pull down is to do with progressive scan, it`s an integral part of the process in getting it working! At least this is how i understand it to be anyway - i`ve read extensively on the subject of prog scan and it mentions the players internals do the 3;2 pull down thing, then the Silicon Images chip does all the prog scan business. Looks lovely it must be said.


I knew about the Pal progressive of the machines you mention, and also the I Scan unit (at £700 odd, for deep pockets only!), but i was just mentioning it as a general rule of thumb for prog scan dvd players as standalone units. I heard that there was a bit of a fuss over prog scan and Pal bypassing the macrovision? Don`t quite know what it entailed and what was said, but is it true?


RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

mikeyf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 10:53

3:2 pulldown is an integral part of NTSC playback. All players that produce NTSC perform it, not just prog scan machines.

I believe Neon was saying that `jerkiness` was a problem on `normal` NTSC, and wasn`t commenting on prog scan`s performance.

RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 11:39

Too many sherbets last night, cope.....must..find.....bed

I think i`m reading too quickly and missing out full stops



RE: Are R2 films better quality than R1?

Neon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 12:37


Don`t panic. Although I would like to point out that sherbet rots your teeth (and is, let`s face it, girly) and quite frankly you`d be better off drinking beer.


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