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Gaming and Consoles Forum

X Box

Warney (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 15:17

Hi guys,

can anyone tell me the best place to buy an X Box console please ? And the important question ... is it worth it ? I already have a PS2



RE: X Box

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 16:45

Arn`t Dixons running 10% off at the moment? That will bring the price down to about £180. This should belong in the consoles forum tho.

RE: X Box

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 18:06

toys r us have the best package you get 3 games console £250 i have an xbox you cant beat em dvd playback if very crisp as well just a shame you have to fork out £30 for a dvdremote kit but the power of the cpu and graphics chip work well together

RE: X Box

bugswar (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 19:12

The x-box is more pc based better of getting a game cube

RE: X Box

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 19:52

Agree big time..
Some of the games coming out for it look stunning!
There`s only one console you can play Mario, Zelda, Metroid, StarFox etc. on..
Who remembers Metroid for SNES??

RE: X Box

bugswar (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 20:03

Super Metriod a classic game .

Got the xbox when it was released did not like it one bit so i sold it and got a gamecube instead best money i have ever spent.

Trying to get hold of a Panasonic Q gamecube but not having much luck.


RE: X Box

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 21:40

Xbox has championship manager. Nuff said.

RE: X Box

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th June 2002, 23:06

Don`t forget to get floor/shelf reinforced to take the weight. Maybe an alcove extension to fit it in to.. Hand enlargements to hold the controller. Cube controller feels perfect you forget you`re holding it... Only joking, XBOX got some good games, Halo etc. but the lure of the 1st and 2nd party games (plus 3rd now at last..) was too much. Is there a specific reason you want an x-box? Mate`s got one etc??.. If not, then for what it`s worth, get a cube. Super Monkey Ball anyone? Still can`t do level 7 on Expert!
So, bugs, what games have you got??


RE: X Box

monkey1337 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 02:31

got both consoles, both excellent.

RE: X Box

Saruman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 18th June 2002, 11:18

Got an Xbox and Gamecube.

X-Box has done nothing for me, except to gather dust. HALO Over-rated piece of crap! Talk about bland!

Ive got the 2 free games and Joypad, and they have been played once, never again! Rubbish!

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