Info and forum posts by 'monkey1337'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 18th April 2002, 18:23, Last used: Thursday, 18th April 2002, 18:23

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 30 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: X box or PS2?

lol @ PS2. get a gamecube or an x-box. go into any game/eb store and just look for yourself, have a play on em, I`m sure you`ll make the right choice.

RE: X Box

got both consoles, both excellent.

RE: Which Gamecube game to buy???

Star Wars is pretty good fun, altho feels kind of repetitive after a while. Super Monkey Ball is good, few decent sub games to boot although the concept gets a bit boring after a while, and it`s juts a case of whther or not you can be bothered trying to do some of the harder stuff.

Super Smash Bros was one of the worst games I`ve ever pld altho gets great write ups in reviews for some reason. I`ve just bought NHL Hitz coz it looks class and hockey games are generally always good but the best game I`ve pld so far on my GC is Waverace Blue storm, awesome graphics, massive playability and a control system which you gradually get better at so in that sense it`s quite rewarding.

Just got Luigi`s as well, that should be decent I think.

RE: Recommendations for a decent 2player PS2 game

not many co-op games on consoles. i dunno i fyou can buy it for the PS2, but the gauntlet games r good.

RE: Console advice needed...!


lmao, hitting me where it hurts

RE: Gamecube,ps2 or x-box?

gfx = xbox by far

value = xbox imo, its a better machine and plays dvds

value2 = dreamcast

playability = none, i never spend more than 30 mins on any of em

games = gamecube, nintendo always have been the best

RE: Console advice needed...!


implying like you got one over on nintendo personally you big sony freak?

You`re still immensely gay I see Dukey Bhoy ;p

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 00:48

RE: Console advice needed...!

I have a GC and an X-Box. I play on my N64 more still tho lol.

RE: Anyone from newcastle?

lol, spoke to him the other day, seemed alright.

RE: Super Monkey Ball for Gamecube!

SMB: if anyone else is still stuck, go along the base of the guitar no the strings.

RL: against the tie fighters, accelerate..then brake, they will fly past you then just shoot the middle one and they all blow up.

RE: I Have Winning Eleven 6 (PES2)

try to ignore IronDick, he`s a gimp.

RE: Help me! Which Gamecube games to buy?

I have Super Monkey Ball and Rogue Leader, both are excellent, for single player fun, RL is a blast; all that "Red 5 standing by" stuff rox :) SMB is excellent fun as well, the little multiplayer games r quality.

RE: Xbox loyalty bonus, which games to get?

halo and dead or alive are two good games to get if you have neither. I already have em both so I`ve chosen Fusion Frenzy and gotham.

Gamecube prices

Curry`s are doing a great deal at the moment, with the 10% off voucher: DISCAPR

£147 gets you the Gamecube delivered to you door with not only a copy of Rogue Squadron but a 2nd official controller.

Pretty good I thought, found it in DVD forums.

Just pass by their website and add the console to your basket and the series of multipack offers are listed.

RE: PS2 DVD playback

my dvd player cost £100 quid and plays dvds. impressed?

RE: Stick with the ps2!

3000 games versus 40 games, a console with how many years history verus a console that hasnt been out 5 minutes lmao.

how many games u got? i`d be surprised if it was more than 40, and even more suprised if more than 10 were any good or that u pld more than that regularly.

RE: PS2 DVD playback

£700 lol, what a pwick :P

RE: Stick with the ps2!


For anyone dumb enough to listen to any of that crap, you can buy an X-box for £195 quid and the DVD kit (includes remote control) cost me £22.99

RE: spend £15, get £15 off......

ordered a cordless telephone, they sent a bog standard 35mm camera instead.

first class service.

RE: Nintendo cuts GameCube price to £129

its deffo 129.99 according to cnn

RE: XBox new price £199 from April 26


no I have no clue about the latest gimmick sony are offering, I replied accurately to what you had told me about the use of the hard disk and questioned it`s functionality, althought it`s clear the reasoning behind it all is to keep people buying the console and the typical sony lovers like Iron Duke happy and content argue in favour of the console regardless.

In terms of performance you cannot even begin to comete with the X-Box. The nvidia chipset is benchmarked comparably to a highend Geforce3, backed up with a sound CPU by Intel, none of the usual Toshiba/IBM rubbish consoles tend to use.

"As for the inability of of SONY fans with regards to Linux. There is a whole network of underground Programmers, Hackers, Phreakers Crackers, Rippers etc etc. They all have 2 things in common"

I was referring to the obvious inability of an idiot like Iron Duke to do anything requiring the slightest bit of intelligence.

"As I said earlier give me a well argued reason to go out and hand over my cash to Microsoft and I`ll be there. Until then My Gamecube remains on order and their up and coming titles are looking mighty fine."

1) a more promising console in terms of spec, capital backing, future titles etc
2) Halo
3) If you`ve got cable at home you can already play games online easily
4) good dvd playback; no thick bands across the screen like another certain console`s playback.

I`m not a console gamer, I play on them secondary to my PC. There is no substitute for LANs or PC based online gaming, but if anything comes close it`s an X-box.

Iron Duke, you really should stop making even more of a fool of yourself, at least give your posts purpose, else go and play with the busses.

RE: XBox new price £199 from April 26

and LOL @ the Linux thing, like you and your obviously low intellectual capabilitiy could do anything in Linux. rofl. stick to smashing your palms off the PSX controller trying to kill ppl in Tekken.

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st April 2002, 13:04

RE: XBox new price £199 from April 26

your name calling is very impressive, great way to get out of a discussion.

"act as a store to improve load times"

so its virtual memory like I said.

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st April 2002, 13:01

RE: XBox new price £199 from April 26

lol @ iron duke

so the hdd is gonna act as virtual memory? hmm that`ll be fast lolz

but i guess it`ll give sony die hards some room to claim their PS2s outperform the X-box. :P

RE: XBox new price £199 from April 26

lol 40 gigs for save games? yeh thats necessary.


sony owners r phunny hrhr...

... :¦

RE: XBox new price £199 from April 26

Hoping for Fifa to be added to the list for some footie action amidst world cup fever.

Has anyone actually looked properly at the gamecube btw? Games r sposed to be rubbish and the gfx remind me of an N64 with the hi-res expansion pack but r still far worse than even the Dreamcast for instance which costs £30 instead.

How anyone can choose a PS2 or a gamecube now over the magnificent X-box is beyond me. Outclasses in every way.

RE: Xbox Price cut

I`ve lost out big time in the past to price cuts on consoles, this just shows microsofts class, anyone remember sony/nintendo/sega ever doing anything like this? I can`t. Payed £300 for mine, and its worth £300, Halo and Dead or Alive are amazing games, more greats to come like Unreal Championship for instance. DVD playback is excellent, far superior to the PS2s, Gfx are comepletely stunning even on the crappier games, its such a good machine.