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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Xbox price drop!

Deano! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 14:35

Well my excuse to buy an XBox is better than ever now.....!!!

Here`s what it says:

Xbox to match Gamecube on price by the end of the week. That`s what `retail sources` reckon anyway
In an incredibly aggressive move that will really put the pressure on Nintendo`s Gamecube, Microsoft look set to reduce the price of the Xbox in the UK to £130 from Friday.

Although Microsoft have yet to officially confirm the price drop, retail sources have indicated that it will be possible to pick up an Xbox for the same price as a Cube from the end of the week.

To coincide with this, Xbox bundles are also said to be dropping in price, with the Sega pack (which includes Sega GT and Jet Set Radio Future) weighing in at £150 while a new bundle featuring Halo and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance will be on sale for £170 - the same price as a standalone PlayStation 2.

When Xbox was launched in the UK in March 2002, it initially retailed at a whopping £300.

RE: Xbox price drop!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 15:18

"When Xbox was launched in the UK in March 2002, it initially retailed at a whopping £300."

Yeah, I know, I was one of the unlucky ones. :(

Mind you, Micro$oft became Microsoft when they gave me 2 free games (Project Gotham Racing and Amped...OK, Amped is s***, but anyway) and an extra official controller as a sign of goodwill to their original customers.

Richard Booth

RE: Xbox price drop!

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 15:26

XBOX will retail at £129 solus pack, £149.99 for the 3 Game Pack( Sega GT, JGRF and Blinx) and £169.99 for the Metal Gear Solid / Splinter Cell as from Friday 11th April!
This is official!

Good timing Microsoft, slap bang in the middle of Harry Potter mania!

RE: Xbox price drop!

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th April 2003, 15:45

If they are going to "match the Gamecube price", does that mean Argos will be flogging it for £80, LOL.

Wonder how long it will take for the pre-modded Xbox prices to drop? Now there would be a VERY good reason for the missus to REALLY kick off (the GC purchase was bad enough!)

RE: Xbox price drop!

RossCo (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 09:58

Who cares? The Xbox is rubbish - with a few good games, lacking real design in the concept of the console, just Microsoft chucking together off the shelf technology in an attempt to win over support. The price drop is just another Microsoft ploy to saturate and sterilise the Market. The console seriously lacks design - and what's the controller about?

The Playstation 2 looks good and has a good controller - but its last generation!

The GameCube is the bees knees, designed by gamers for gamers - with solely gaming entertainment in mind. The infrastructure of the GC is designed for programmers - using initiative design. The Nintendo have rightfully made cross console licenses to be more accessible on the GC - but even with their prudence we may wait longer for x platform games - but they all seem to come with extras the bigger consoles didn`t have....

I`ll leave you to make your own mind up - I just don`t like Microsoft`s ethos when it comes to the Xbox and games (and some way this applies to the PS2) - bang `em out quick and plenty - who cares if they`re any good someone will buy them.... More fool them!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 10:59

RE: Xbox price drop!

Colemeister (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 12:17


RE: Xbox price drop!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 17:59

"The console seriously lacks design - and what's the controller about?"

Since when does the physical construction of a console have any implications on the actual performance of a machine? Or is it you are superficial and require a `trendy-looking` machine to show off to your mates?

Richard Booth

RE: Xbox price drop!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 18:22

"The GameCube is the bees knees, designed by gamers for gamers - with solely gaming entertainment in mind. The infrastructure of the GC is designed for programmers - using initiative design. The Nintendo have rightfully made cross console licenses to be more accessible on the GC - but even with their prudence we may wait longer for x platform games - but they all seem to come with extras the bigger consoles didn`t have.... "

Its a failiure lad.

and you lot call me a fanboy

get a load of this f***in guy

RE: Xbox price drop!

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 19:30

Of course you`re a fanboy Ironduke. It`s just that he is aswell ;)

RE: Xbox price drop!

Wad (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th April 2003, 20:10

Its a smart deal, no two ways about it.

Wad (Gamecube owner, but pondering..)

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