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Gaming and Consoles Forum

playing american ps2 games on my pal machine

djc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th September 2003, 19:59

hi i dont know if anyone can help me i recently acquired some american ps2 games and i was just wondering if i purchased a region free disc or program for my pal ps2 would the games work

RE: playing american ps2 games on my pal machine

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 13th September 2003, 13:17

There is no such thing, I`m afraid - you`ll need to get the PS2 chipped.

(Actually, there`s also a Heath Robinson contraption with a flip-top lid which lets you boot imports using a swap disc, but you still have to take the console apart to fit it.)

Note that the `Region X` and similar discs are for multi-region DVD movie playback - they don`t do anything for imported games.


RE: playing american ps2 games on my pal machine

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd September 2003, 09:36


The software you want is Swap Magic V2 - it can be used in to ways - one is to open the PS2 and convert to Fliptop and the 2nd is to use a Slide card.
See the above 2 links for more info or trying googling for Swap Magic V2

Tutorial on fitting the Fliptop:

I have the PS One version of this disc and it works very well for me on my Ps1.

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd September 2003, 10:39

RE: playing american ps2 games on my pal machine

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 19:05

been trying to find one of those flip-top things, thanks for posting.

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