Page 1 of He-Man and the masters of the universe game...any good?

Gaming and Consoles Forum

He-Man and the masters of the universe game...any good?

voorhees1978 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 28th February 2005, 20:44

Used to watch the tv series when I was a kid and just noticed the video game at for a reasonable £12.99 so I am tempted to get it. Has anyone played it? Is is that price for a reason, i.e:being rubbish.

P.S. Skeletor rocks!

RE: He-Man and the masters of the universe game...any good?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 28th February 2005, 21:07

It`s not at that price for being rubbish. There`s quite a few choice titles alongside it in Play`s 2 for £20 at the moment.

But yes, it is rubbish.

Beggars belief that it`s is/was the no.1 seller in the category. Nostalgia, eh?


Trips to the video store for a quiet night in can be fun. But remember;

* Pick something everyone will like.

* Don`t be afraid to ask for assistance

* DO NOT peer through Mr T`s WINDOW on the WAY home, and LAUGH at him watching BRING IT ON alone with his trousers UNDONE!

RE: He-Man and the masters of the universe game...any good?

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th February 2005, 22:44

No reviews posted yet. But it`s published by Midas, which is a bad thing. Where as budget releases on many labels are often full priced titles of yesterday, they publish cheap tat. Often get dreggs from JPN no-one else wants, or just publish v cheap games.

I`d suggest avoiding it!


This item was edited on Monday, 28th February 2005, 22:48

RE: He-Man and the masters of the universe game...any good?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 01:47

Lest we not forget it was canned in the States once upon a time. Yikes!

And the Americans like tatty, tie in rubbish.


Trips to the video store for a quiet night in can be fun. But remember;

* Pick something everyone will like.

* Don`t be afraid to ask for assistance

* DO NOT peer through Mr T`s WINDOW on the WAY home, and LAUGH at him watching BRING IT ON alone with his trousers UNDONE!

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