I`ve just ordered a PSP from talkpsp.co.uk (cheers Aggassi)
Just wonder how you lot are recharging yours ? Have you got an adapter of some sort, or a different power cable or something ?
RE: Recharging an imported PSP ?
I believe its basically just the standard figure of 8 cable (like the ones used for the PSP and most portable stereo systems etc.)
That connects to a transformer which accepts between 110V & 240V.
I say "I believe" since I`m waiting for mine to get here! Should be here next Monday :D
RE: Recharging an imported PSP ?
No problems recharging mine, jap model, just change the figure of 8 lead with a uk one and its fine, i got it with the psp, and also got a usb charger which plugs into pc and charges psp, so covered both ways :)
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
Cheers, I`ll look out for a new power lead. Simpler than I thought.
I`ve ordered a USB cable that will recharge it too.
Anyone else got any other smart accessories ? What about screen protectors for example ?
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
if you goto www.play.com they are selling psp starter kits for only £10..:) you get a car charger,carry case (its a really good one it holds games too) and ear phones..theyve got them in stock now.i ordered one this afternoon and just got a email to say theyve posted it:)
when you get the psp tommorow dont bother buying a extra figure 8 cable youll already have one in your house already..they come on everything thgere the power lead that slot in your ps2,xbox,cd player,hi fi..lots of things if your worried post on here and ill try help you again:)
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
Didn`t you get all that stuff in your value pack from audiocubes?
Oh my God, Bear is driving! How can that be?
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
yep i got a carry case and charger and stuff like that but the carry case play.com are selling is much better the carry case in thge value pack is only made a material and can only carry the psp but the ones play.com are selling are the toughned ones with zip compartments too put your games in..its much more protective than the bog standrarrd one given in the value pack ..and at £9.99 with free postage and you also get a spare pair of earphones and a carchanger its well worth it ..i just hope play.com start selling games soon ive read that the psp will be out september or october now in europe theyve put it back again its out of order
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
PSP turned up today - would second Aggassi`s recommendation of www.talkpsp.co.uk.
Might order one of those packs from play, the `sock` you get in the value pack looks like it`ll protect from scratches and nothing else. Play are also doing the case on its own for a fiver. They claim to be selling games from 29/4 by the way, £35 each.
This item was edited on Thursday, 7th April 2005, 18:18
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
im glad you got your psp wad:) so what do u think off it?;)
for the extra fiver id get the full pack from play.com its always handy to have nother spare pair off headphones anmd the car chager could come in handy too..did you get any games?
RE: Recharging an imported PSP & PSP accessories
Must admit it seems like a fantastic bit of kit. I`ve always been a bit of a Nintendo fanboy but they really have got their work cut out now. Only a matter of time until folk are knocking together emulators for it too I reckon, seems easily powerful enough.
Got Untold Legends with it, pretty good - reminds me of Gauntlet. Ridge Racer is on its way.
Only got one gripe so far, loading times - seems a bit hefty but it might be the game I have. Used to carts I guess.