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Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

apt (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th November 2005, 22:45

Don`t really know much about it, I played one last Monday in a Gamestation though. The graphics on Project Gotham Racing 3 and Call of Duty were stunning. Enough to raise my interest at least.

I`m not sure how it compares to the Xbox which I already own. Obviously it has better graphics, but what other features does it have? I also believe there are 2 versions - one with and one without an internal hard drive. Is the hard drive necessary?

I`m interested in anyone has pre-ordered a 360. Where is the cheapest available in the UK?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 11th November 2005, 04:06

Other than better graphics, there`s not a whole lot of difference, truth be told.

Unless you`re into that whole `Media Centre` gubbins - but you don`t buy a new console just so you can see your digital pics on the TV.

Your main reason for adopting the Xbox 360 will be because you want to play the games developers will make for it. When buying into a new console, some gamers are swayed by a single killer app (one game that seems it`s worth buying the system just to play it), while others wait until there a few AAA (genuinely great games) titles at the table. Or some, like me, wait until their favourite franchise goes next-gen, and then you simply can`t resist!

Check out Amazon`s no-nonsense Xbox 360 Buyer`s Guide for info on the `core` and `deluxe` packages.

Just remember to cut through the bulls*** about it`s technical achievements - All it boils down to is smoother, better detailed, hi-res graphics - and hopefully the end of shoddy framerates.

As it stands, developers are creating new games on the assumption that not all X360 owners will have the hard drive. So there *shouldn`t* be a single X360 game that won`t run without the HD. But you won`t be able to use Xbox LIVE, run Halo & Halo 2 (Microsoft`s version of backwards compatibility) or take advantage of custom soundtracks and the like without a hard drive.

Oh yeah... Ken is a badass dude!

This item was edited on Friday, 11th November 2005, 04:08

RE: Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 18:15

If you want to get a Premium Pack then you will probaley be waiting until after xmas as pre-orders started back in August and most places used up their launch allocation along time ago.
If you go for the Core Pack I am sure there will be some shops selling them on release day but they might not even stick around long, depends on how many consoles end up shipping.

Also, the price is fixed everywhere, £209.99 for the Core and £279.99 for the Premium

RE: Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 18:30

and hopefully the end of shoddy framerates.

unfortunatly i don`t think we will ever see that disapear, as it`s usually down to sloppy programing, & there will allways be companys that just rush games out to make a swift buck, but that applies to all consoles :(

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 19:41

i`ve got my 360 preordered but have just noticed one thing I`m going to invest in as an extra. The premium pack comes with a wireless controller (and i`ve ordered a second wireless controller along with PGR3 and PDZ), but no means of charging it - that bit is extra.

Sneakey M$!!

RE: Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 12th November 2005, 20:10

i9 believe it take standard type batteries, so any charger should do, tbh, i`ll be using the extra high capcity li-on batteries that i already own, but that disne help those relying on duracells :/

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

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