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Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

papanez (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 12:45


I am just sorting out a new broadband deal - I`m going wireless, mainly to use my Wii for Mario Kart online, and also download vintage Virtual Console games.

I`m looking at 40GB deal for monthly usage. Is that going to be enough? Seems like loads to me, but I have no idea how much online gaming sucks up, or how big a downloaded game is.

Any help appreciated!

RE: Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

whoot (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 12:52

my experience with the wii online has been dreadful. its so glitchy.
it takes for ever to even get onto the page where you can download games.
to be honest, its a bag of arse.

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RE: Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 14:07

I find it fine meself. I think most packages would be fine for using the Wii online, it`s has very bandwidth friendly netplay. Although that said I haven`t actually bothered to measure it`s usage that closely.

I think you`d be hard pressed to break your monthly limits with Mario Kart.


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RE: Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 17:31

I`ve had absolutely no trouble with getting my Wii online either - sure it`s not a router problem?

I was discussing the issue of how much bandwidth gets used just yesterday, actually, and my friend (who knows more about such things than I do) was explaining how it uses a surprisingly small amount. Apparently, lots of data packets are flying back and forth all the time, but they are absolutely tiny. 40GB will be plenty (I haven`t even noticed a dent in my 8GB allowance).

RE: Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

papanez (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 21:40

Wonderful. Thanks for the replies. Hopefully I`ll have no problems...

RE: Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 22:20

No problem getting it online here either - didn`t have to change anything at all (DHCP/IP etc..).
Online won`t hardly touch your 40GB allowance..


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RE: Wii Online - what monthly usage do I need?

1mills (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 30th April 2008, 22:38

I`ve had a bit of problem with mine, but internet in my mum`s house is s***e and didn`t really mess about too much.

Had the same problems in my house in Liverpool when I took it there though aswell, and my internet and Xbox Live there has no problems whatsoever. :/

Must admit though I didn`t mess about with it for ages in Liverpool though (just realised and I`m 99.9% this should make no difference, our Wii isn`t from the UK, from Spain I think, I`m assuming this is completely irrelevant.)

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