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Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 12:33

Going out to visit family in Norway this Xmas and they have a Wii, so I`m looking to pickup a good party game to take out.

We already have:
Mario Kart
Boom Blox
Wii Fit
Wii Party
Wii Sport

There`s so much f***ing shovelware it`s a joke, so it`s really difficult to find anything half decent for the console. Did think about Raving Rabbids TV, but wasn`t 100%.

Any ideas?

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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Mister Smee (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 12:38

There`s so much f***ing shovelware it`s a joke,

At least that isn`t a problem on the PS3!

I`ve heard the Mario World one is very good but have no idea how many players it is for.


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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 12:52

Wario Ware is ace but you need to stupidly play some of the game in single player to unlock multi

Mario Party 8? Haven`t played it yet but the other ones were a laugh when playing with a few mates

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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Sue Brown (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 14:22

I`ve order the latest Raving Rabbids game (TV Party) which uses the balance board on some of the mini-games.

Looks like a great party game, but I can`t say for sure as I haven`t played it yet. But surely any game that gets people controlling the game with their butt is worth a crack? Pardon the pun! :D

RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 14:40

Thanks Sue.

The thing is, and I should have mentioned it before, we`re not taking a Wii Fit board over. So that obviously restricts us there.

Just wish there was a better selection of games on the console really. It should be the ultimate party console but it`s apparently so easy to develop for there`s just piles of crap on it. Kind of the like the DS I guess.

Gametrailers recommendations for game this Xmas on the Wii was mostly made of up 2007 and early 2008 titles. :(

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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 14:50

The original Raving Rabbids is still excellent fun for party games, and you should be able to get it rather cheaply these days. If you do grab it, make sure you unlock all the mini-games in single player mode (its very easy, only takes an hour or so) first.

It`s quite free form in play style, you can start the game with up to four people, and then just pick mini-games as you see fit, so if everyone is knackered after a physical one, you can go for something more logical. And the music ones are fun too, sort of DDR with remotes.

Failing that, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games is good.


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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 14:56

I`d looked at Mario and Sonic before, but I didn`t know if it would be worth getting, judging by the average reviews it was getting. Will look into - thanks!

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

kingofpies (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 15:02

TBH, that looks like a good collection of multiplayer games to keep you going.

I haven`t played it yet, but de Blob looks to have a couple of good multiplayer modes. Supposedly the multi-player is best when you have 3 or more playing. Also, it`s meant to be pretty good in single player as well.

I`ve been looking at it myself.

RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 15:08

I think it would have just been nice to have to have a new game for everyone to play. I got a Wii when it first came out and so I`m already sick of the likes of Wii Play and Sports!

Anyone know what the Hasbro Game Collection is like?

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
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RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 8th December 2008, 15:24

Carnival Games anyone?

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
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