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Page 1 of PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

General Forum


PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Leftfield_2k2 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 22:46

Hunting with dogs is cruel and unnecessary and has no place in modern Britain.

No one has a right to be cruel to animals. If previous governments had accepted the `civil liberties` logic argued by the pro-hunt lobby, sports such as dog fighting, c0ck fighting, bear baiting and badger baiting would never have been outlawed.

PLEASE help by signing the petition @ the following link!

Don`t worry if your not from the U.K please do still go sign and help increase numbers (only takes a second just asks for name, e-mail & postcode /ZIP!

Thanks ever-so much for your time and support.


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 22:50

I agree that hunting with packs of dogs should be banned but I think I am right in saying that there have been some RSPCA representatives that are in favour of the status quo.
Not exactly giving the public a clear message that hunting with dogs is barbaric.
If I`m wrong I apologise but I`m pretty sure I saw a programme on BBC last year that had a couple of RSPCA reps on it.
JMHO folks :-)

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Leftfield_2k2 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 23:03

Sorry I don`t understand what your saying?? Status Quo>? I thought that they were a band that played crap music?! lol


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 23:07

One of the reasons given to `justify` fox hunting was that if hunting didn`t take place, the Fox population would explode into uncontrollable numbers. During the Foot & Mouth crisis, fox hunting was banned, this ban was in place for a YEAR. did the fox population explode? No, it didn`t, the numbers stayed the same.

Another claim is that banning fox hunting would put several people out of work, and several dogs would have to be destroyed as they would be of no use.

Firstly, the people out of work were only paid by wealthy landowners who pay for the fox-hunting expeditions themselves. So the claim that it`s just a cruel sport paid for by rich landowners with too much money holds some water.

Secondly, the dogs were only bred for fox hunting, if it was banned, then there would be no more hunt-related breeding. and I`m sure the money saved from not hunting would more than see those dogs through to their twilight years.

Another claim is that to trap foxes is cruel and causes unnecessary suffering. So being chased by 100 slavering hounds, only to be trapped in a barn, terrified out of your soul, then to be ripped to pieces ISN`T cruel?

I have no problem with everything else the countryside alliance were marching for, more power to them. However, I strongly object to being pigeonholed as a `Townie` just because I hate to see an animal torn to shreds in the name of `sport`

Pete M K


This item was edited on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 23:08

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Leftfield_2k2 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 23:11

I take it from that reply Stantz that you signed the petition>???

Does anyone know of any other BIG forums that I can goto to try and get some more support???

Cheers for all the help Guyz & Girlz

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 23:48

I agree fox hunting should be banned. I accept that foxes may be classed as vermin by farmers and cause a nuisance, but it`s the method they use to control them I disagree with.

It would be more humane for the farmers to employ someone to shoot the foxes with a clean shot in regualr culls, to contol numbers if need be, than to let a pack of excited dogs rip them apart in the barbaric way that they do. The people who are emplyed by the hunt now, could be the people who do it humanely with a rifle. They needn`t be unemployed.

The hunt is just an excuse for the rich to get their `sport` and has nothing to do with country life.

Petition signed.


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

MildMan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th September 2002, 23:53


Whether you ike it or not, you represent the minority on this, and the only reason this subject gets `airtime` is because Mr Blair has allowed `extremist` advisors in our Government.

It is clear from your naive statements about `cruelty` and `animals torn to shreds` that you have little or no knowledge on this subject, apart from the guff fed to you fro the activists turned advisors. May I recommend you read some independent information on this subject ?

I never have, and probably never will attend a hunt or shott, but I do sometimes go fishing. Using your uneducated arguments, will you want to ban me (and 15 million others) from fishing ? I personally cannot see a difference betwen hunting and fishing.

The majority in this democracy want to be listened to on this subject.

You will be doing yourself a favour if you stop with your Smart Ar*e, `I love animals` cr*p, thinking it makes you somehow superior to the rest of us. You must have pretty low self asteem if you need a subject like this to get you motivated.....thee are thousand of Children in this Country/World, gettign a much tougher deal than the disease invested foxes.

Get this in perspective, and invest your time in a cause than bring real positive changes in peoples lives.


RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

Leftfield_2k2 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th September 2002, 00:14

`Whether you ike it or not, you represent the minority on this`

HOW WRONG are you, 3:1 people in the U.K are in FAVOUR for a complete BAN on hunting with dogs! Just like in Scotland HUNTING will be banned you mark my words.

Their is NO PLACE for HUNTING with dogs in a civilised society!



Choagy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th September 2002, 00:19

What a diatribe of contemptable garbage.The post was merely asking that people who believed hunting a mammal with packs of dogs should simply sign a petition in the hope that it would be banned.
Naive etc and uneducated arguements. What utter arrogance.
The reason a ban on Fox hunting is being discussed at present is that normal,decent people deem that if it is cruel and illegal to inflict un-necessary pain and suffering on a domesticated animal then the same laws should be applied to non domesticated animals.
The vast majority of people in this country are perfectly willing and able to make their own minds up by listening to many various comments on a number of topics.To imply that the masses are incapable of independent though is complete and utter dross and merely shows that you,unfortunately,are the one that has a "Superior" attitude to all and sundry.
Whether people or children are in better or worse conditions , while still very important,is quite honestly neither here nor there,the post was about animal cruelty.
As for the lack of difference between hunting and fishing,well again that simply shows that you little or no grasp of the degree of suffering inflicted on foxes.This barbaric ritual is purely and simply a "Sport" whose participants attempt to justify their actions by claiming that it is some form of pest control.
Chasing a fox/stag to exhaustion and allowing a pack of dogs to savage the mammal is without doubt a barbaric act.Blooding, now theres a wonderful thing to do to a child who witnesses his or her first kill.Dabbing blood from the animal on the childs face,how wonderful.
Ever eaten Fox pie. Doubt it . The difference between fishing and hunting is plain to see, anglers tend to eat their prey,hunters do not.Simple but true none the less.
PS The majority want it banned plain and simple.
Never mind the polls carried out by organisations with a vested interest in the continuation of this act.
Ask the right questions and you will get the answers you want.
Make it simple.
Do you want hunting banned,Yes or No.
No misunderstanding ,just a simple Yes or No.Even the most commited in either camp could not give an answer and then complain about the wording.

This item was edited on Friday, 27th September 2002, 00:21

RE: PLEASE help put an end too cruelty in the U.K

MildMan (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th September 2002, 00:27

Oh Dear,

I will refer to my point about being you being completely un-informed and not reading independenr text !
You surround yourselves with people of the same opinion as yourself and convince yourselves that there cannot be any other view.

The banning of Hunting in Scotland is an absolute joke ! (Don`t tell me , you haven`t read about it !!) Hunts continue (with hounds) unabated, but instead of the foxes being `torn to shreds` , they have their faces blown off by a shot gun.
Great result mate !

Does fishing have a place in civilise society ?



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