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Radar Detectors ??????

andy_js (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th October 2002, 22:07

has anyone bought one and used it successfully in the UK ?
Are the ones around £100 worth considering ??
Any general info would be appreciated.

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 14th October 2002, 11:33

not even sure if it works - i`m sure i read about it somewhere- Dont even know if i spelt "License" correctly!

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th October 2002, 12:50 is a pretty encyclopaedic site and can answer just about any question you might have on the subject of speed cameras and the like.

I`ve got a GPS based system called Road Angel which is programmed with the locations of all known fixed GATSO cameras, average speed SPECS systems and known laser sites. A bit more than you`re looking to spend, at £380, but it works a treat.

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 14th October 2002, 12:52

How about spending nothing ....

And not breaking the speed limit?

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Monday, 14th October 2002, 14:56

<<How about spending nothing ....

And not breaking the speed limit?>>

Of course, that`s an option, but (assuming that you`re a driver) can you hand on heart say that you`ve never exceeded the speed limit? I have to say that since I bought my GPS based detector, I`ve actually been far more conscious of my speed anyway.

I didn`t buy it so that I can speed with impunity (whcih is a fallacy anyway - it still doesn`t save you from unmarked police cars nor from mobile laser sights, where even if you had a detector the first you would know about it is when the laser beam hits you, and by then they`ve already got you). I bought it because I do a fair number of miles every year, I value my licence and I don`t want to fall foul of not paying attention and getting snapped by a camera at a couple of MPH over the limit.

If the government is setting out to cynically use cameras as a revenue generationd device, I shall do what I can to keep my hard-earned cash in my pocket and out of the grubby paws of G Brown Esq or, even worse, of the local plods.

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

andy_js (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 14th October 2002, 22:27

Thanks Mark, for the info and for the reply to Craig`s rather straight laced suggestion. I too do not intend using it to deliberately break the law rather just to avoid getting points and a fine when cameras are deliberately hidden in places to generate cash rather than reduce accidents.

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 15th October 2002, 12:20

Craig: Speed doesn`t kill, inappropriate speed does.

If you think speed does kill on its own, then I won`t tell you how fast the earth is going round the sun, or earth`s rotation speed, or even the space shuttle round the earth, because you`d probably have a heart attack. :)

The limit for roads with standard street lighting is 30mph, yet there are some roads at certain times of the day when 40mph is perfectly safe. Likewise there are equally some roads where 30mph is reckless, for example near schools during term time, or where cars are double parked and vision is limited.

You can argue all you like about whether speed cameras should or shouldn`t be used, but hiding them behind signs and painting them battleship grey cannot be for any other reason than to make them inconspicous.

And if they are put up to cut down accidents and make roads safer, they surely can`t do this by only informing you of their existence by post, a few weeks after you drove past them. :)

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th October 2002, 20:30

Agree with you Robert , if they are there to cut down on accidents how does this work

We undertook research into the UK`s worst accident black spots utilising data from the AA.

There are only six cameras on the 21 most dangerous stretches of road in the UK which cover a total distance of 200 miles

as for the detectors not got one but this looks the dogs watsits @ £395 :-

RE: Radar Detectors ??????

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th October 2002, 18:42

Lazer Defusers are new on the market, thay detect mobile speed traps upto 2 miles away thay can also transmit a scramble signal so your true speed is not obtainable but the lazer gun until the unit is switched off manually, the idea is you have this device on IF you get locked by a lazer gun etc it transmits a scramble signal and audible alert when you are down to speed switch it off and thay will get your speed and hopefully you`d be down to the limit! £245..... Scanners, it should cover 450.000 - 452.000 Mhz or something like that, suprising what you hear on these things and again saved me from a ticket or 2 and the cheap snooper detectors are great value for money but mobile traffic lights and shops can send them potty!

A judgement of the Queens Bench Divisional Court dated 29th January 1998 makes it clear that the use of Radar Detectors is not unlawful as has hitherto been claimed by some. In the past prosecutions have been brought by claiming the use of radar detectors was contrary to section 5(b)(i) of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 as amended by section 3 of the Post Office Act 1969. However the Acts refer to the interception of wireless communications for the purpose of obtaining information as to the content, sender or addressee of any message. The Court concluded that the radar transmission was not communicating a `message` and therefore equipment designed to detect the presence of the transmission could not decode any such message.

It was further stated that section 1(1) of the Act, which requires a licence for the reception of radio signals, has been superseded by the Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus (Receivers)(Exemption) Regulations (SI 1989 No123) which exempts radar detectors and similar equipment from the need for such licences.

The bottom line - we believe it is perfectly legal to both own and use vehicle mounted radar detectors in the UK, and has been so since 1989. If you have been convicted of using a radar detector since 1989 you may be able to have the conviction quashed. We recommend anyone who is in this position to contact their solicitor for advice.

This information is given in good faith and believed accurate. However, you are advised to seek professional legal advice on all matters of law.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th October 2002, 18:47

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