Page 1 of IRON MONKEY - is there anything else like it

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IRON MONKEY - is there anything else like it

daniel_windsor (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 4th December 2002, 11:18


I have recently watched quite a few Kung-Fu films and found Iron Monkey to be excellent, others like The Black Sheep Affair have been crap. Does anyone know of any films similar to Iron Monkey in quality. Im thinking of Once Upon a time in China.....any thoughts would be most welcome.



RE: IRON MONKEY - is there anything else like it

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th December 2002, 12:01

RE: IRON MONKEY - is there anything else like it

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th December 2002, 09:53

...and you can add Volcano High to the list, this film kicks ass...

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