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Page 1 of Ron Davies

General Forum


Ron Davies

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 00:45

First he was no where near the gay pick up area then he admits he was there after the sun said they had pics and now he has admitted he has been there a few times but only to walk in the woods and watch the badgers

Do you believe him ?

RE: Ron Davies

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 00:47

or indeed, do you believe `The Sun`....? you really care??

This item was edited on Friday, 7th March 2003, 00:47

RE: Ron Davies

LOG (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 02:47

.or indeed, do you believe `The Sun`....?...

No we believe Ron Davies the well known Badger expert!


This item was edited on Friday, 7th March 2003, 16:26

RE: Ron Davies

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 08:47

R.I.P Ronnie Boy......

BUSTED! always nice to see a MP in the s***, excuse the pun!

RE: Ron Davies

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 08:55

The badger never changes its spots

Nothing against gays as such,( not for me, but I believe consenting adults can do what they like in privacy), but its the promiscuous behaviour in ( usually filthy) public toilets and these awful fumblings in public parks / woodlands that makes so many otherwise easygoing people anti-gay.
I know I ( and I`m sure many others ) have experienced going into a loo and have someone make it obvious they are there for other purposes.

Do any of our gay members feel able to explain this behaviour, which I believe is called cottaging ?

Edit : The term " gay member " was unfortunately not a deliberate pun P.

This item was edited on Friday, 7th March 2003, 08:59

RE: Ron Davies

Cuba Boy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 09:13

What an absurd post. Some gay people hang around in toilets, and a couple of them have made it clear to you that they find you attractive? And therefore you`re against all gays?

I hate it when straight men put rohypnol in women`s drinks and then rape them. Therefore I hate all straight men.

I hate it when people in cinemas use mobile phones during the film. Therefore I hate all cinema-goers/people who use mobile phones.


Your post is riddled with so many other inconsistencies it`s difficult to know where to begin: is it because the public toilets are filthy that you object to people having sex there - would it be ok in clean toilets? And what are those awful fumblings in public parks that, apparently, only gay people do (God knows I`ve seen many people fumbling in parks, the majority of whom, it has to be said, were straight couples).

I`m a bit embarrassed when people in close proximity to me in public places start having sex - whether they`re straight, gay, lesbian, or any other persuasion. That doesn`t mean I "have a problem with" everyone else who shares that persuasion.

Incidentally, my understanding is that many of the men who now cottage are those who are unable to come to terms with society`s hatred for their sexuality - most of them are men who are living lives of deceit by pretending to be straight. Check out how many of them have wedding rings (although, of course, that`s not necessarily a guide to anything...).

As for Ron Davies - who cares? He`s a broken man, crucified (by himself, mostly) by pretending to be one thing while apparently being something else. I feel not much other than pity for him.

RE: Ron Davies

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 09:22

"I know I ( and I`m sure many others ) have experienced going into a loo and have someone make it obvious they are there for other purposes."

Its not just the fella`s getting upto no good, the ladies are just as bad. The question I would like to ask is why do these people feel the need to do odd things in pubilc toilets, it was only a couple of days ago I walked in on some guy entertaining himself over a gay porn mag, as kywy said its this behavior thats creates anti-gay feelings apart from having to clean up after these wacko`s!

RE: Ron Davies

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 10:38

You fellas must frequent some funny bars, never had anyone approach me in a public crapper.

Cuba boy - *brilliant* post. I hope people take the time to read it.

Absolute B*stard

RE: Ron Davies

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 11:44

Cuba boy,
I appear to have touched a tender spot, I assume from your rant that you are gay, you are most certainly talking out of your a*se.

I am not against gays, but in truth, I do object to being sexually propositioned ( Do they proposition a 15/16 year old boy in the same vile way ?) when all I want to do is urinate.

That a percentage of gay men use toilets ( a large percentage of which are dirty, if not at the start, then certainly at the end of a day`s use by them ) as a meeting place and for sex is a fact.
That a percentage of gay men perform sex acts in public parks such as the notorious Clapham Common is a fact.
That it is the nature ( and illegality ) of these public acts that offends so many is a fact.
That no derogatory comment or irrational viewpoint was in my post such as " I have a problem with " ( I presume you made up the quote ? ) is a fact. ( try reading it again objectively )
That I was commenting on society`s widespread abhorrence of these acts in public is a fact.
One of the few things I find unacceptable of the live and let live attitude that exists to the gay community is the rise of the militant gay rights campaigner, who want not just to be equal but to have more than the rest of of us, who agressively defends themselves at the slightest imagined negative comment.
I have no doubt which camp ( pun intended ) you fall into.

RE: Ron Davies

Cuba Boy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 12:05

Oh dear, you are angry, aren`t you? And, I don`t think you can judge my sexuality from my previous post: and your attempt so far is a bit off course. But let`s focus on your statements...

The quote "have a problem with" is from the very long-running thread which was still being posted to a couple of weeks ago, and which contains lots of similar arguments (you actually posted to that thread, so I`d hope you could remember it). I did not attribute the quote to you.

There is a real problem with your arguments: you state proposition X (which refers to a sub-set of a group), and then extrapolate to make it apply to the entire group. It`s one of the things I objected to in your original post but you don`t seem to grasp it. So let me try again taking an example from your last post...

"Do they [all gay men] proposition a 15/16 year old boy in the same vile way?". I don`t know - do all straight men proposition 15/16 year old girls? Most sexual abuse is carried out by fathers (especially) on their own children - does this mean all fathers are dangerous perverts who should be kept away from their own children?

You keep making this mistake, and it`s why I object so strongly to your posts.

You also pick out one sub-group from all those engaged in an activity - in this case, you object to gay sex in public but not apparently to any other types of public sex - and then use it as an excuse to slag off gays, ignoring all the other groups who do the same.

I don`t really know where to begin dismantling your other "facts" - to take one at random, you seem to imply that the only cause of dirt or filth in public toilets is the activities of gay men. DustyBin has expertly posted on this topic before. Maybe you haven`t read his posts?

Now, let’s take a deep breath…


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