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Name that song.. please?!

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 11:47

I heard this tune on a mobile on the train the other day, after 10 minutes realised it was the same song that Cher, Winona + a young Christian Ricci dance around to at the end of the film Mermaids, but can`t remember who sang it?

Obviously it`s not important in any way but i MUST know...!

RE: Name that song.. please?!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 11:59

Very likely to be one of these - but not having seen the film myself I`ve no idea which one.....sorry :-)

RE: Name that song.. please?!

T-p0t (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 12:01

Didn`t it go something like

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life,
never make a pretty woman your wife,
so from my personal point of view,
get an ugly bird to marry u!

RE: Name that song.. please?!

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 12:09

"If you wanna be happy" by Jimmy Soul.

thankyou, thankyou, thank YOU!

..I can get on with work and fix this bug now, but I wouldn`t count on it...

RE: Name that song.. please?!

yabba dabba (Elite) posted this on Friday, 7th March 2003, 12:46

Didn`t an eighties novelty/one hit wonder band have a hit with this in early 80`s?

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