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British Troops capture Umm Qasr but contract goes to USA company?

harry66 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:04

Our Boys risked life and limb to capture Umm Qasr and make it safe and the contract for managing it has been awarded to Stevedoring Services of Seattle USA.

UK company P&O made a bid but was told to p**s off!

Nice one Blair - continue to bend over and take it up the as*.

This item was edited on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:05

RE: British Troops capture Umm Qasr but contract goes to USA company?

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:40

Surely, won`t it be up to the democratically elected Iraqi goverment to decided on these sort of long term contracts?

Or are they going to have an American "Military" dictatorship for the foreseeable future? Nahh that wouldn`t happen - they wouldn`t just change one dictator for another would they ....

RE: British Troops capture Umm Qasr but contract goes to USA company?

kcab (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 10:47


RE: British Troops capture Umm Qasr but contract goes to USA company?

sport (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 11:28

Craig, I agree that a prolonged period of US occupation will only fuel resentment, but there has to be some sort of governing body otherwise anarchy would be the likely result.
However, you can`t argue that a US general in charge would be anything like as bad as the brutal torture based situation now.

RE: British Troops capture Umm Qasr but contract goes to USA company?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 21:39

I`m sure he will argue. Americans are worse than a certain German movement starting with "N" according to the people in here.

So are we fighting for Oil then? I`ve said it before, that`s pointless, blood is more expensive.

Absolute B*stard

RE: British Troops capture Umm Qasr but contract goes to USA company?

IAmATeaf (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 22:04

Was mentioned on the Money Programme that only American and British company could tender for work when the time comes to rebuild Iraq. Also and I think this is correct a company that Rumsfelt has a vested interest in has already been awarded one of the early contracts, surprise, surprise!!!!

The Money Programme made some fairly open and important question re the hidden agenda, which the Americans think is really hidden, just show how `stoopid` Bush thinks his people are, regarding the invasion of Iraq and their eagerness to invade ever since 9/11.

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