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Page 1 of Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

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Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 4th April 2003, 19:52

I`ve just come back from a couple of weeks of rest in Bali and what do I find when I log back on to my favourite forums ?

Some scriptKiddie/comedian has hacked past the security here and there is pages and pages of loathsome posts in my name alleging I like bloody wasps,some implying I`m some sort of secret agent for Old Nick and I`m either tongueless and armless and about to be executed or I`m in America ruling the White middleclasses.

Its not good enough, as you all know I always end my posts with " Phil K " or " ;-)) " and no-one picked up on this rather obvious indication of this horrible fraud.

For goodness sake, I even apparently suggested my good friend Mr Andrew Bruce was tight with his cash and would shag a hairy doughnut, I mean come on, that`s ludicrous, as anyone who knows Andy will confirm.

And my fellow Scot Chewie fails to recognize a dodgy Scots/american style of writing, ( I can`t believe some of the things you`ve said " A guid waash oot wi carbolic`s whit you need boy " )

Again for the record " It wisny me, a big boy must a dun it an ran away "

I mean there are words in these posts I couldn`t even say out loud.

I was stung by stripy waspy something on the Balinese jungle tour, so do I like wasps ? I rather think not !!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves, not one of you questioned whether I would actually say these NICE things about wasps.

I`m quite miffed and upset.
Phil K.

RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Friday, 4th April 2003, 20:06

Oh well!

That`s that all sorted then!

I guess the w*sp war`s over then!

Jolly good!

Hey kywy!
Let`s all be friends now!
Would you like to join our gang?

You could come over for tea and biscuits, and we could chat about stuff and have a lovely time!

And then afterwards we could tie you up and slowly cut you open and remove your internal organs one by one and then skin your lifeless w*sp loving corpse and make some f*cking furniture out of you!!!!!!!!

The WEA are not iddiots kywy!

RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 4th April 2003, 21:36

Are you suggesting my post is a..a.....fabrication ?

If I am lying then who are WEA torturing if I am here?

If WEA are not idiots why do they spell idiots.... iddiots ?

I will consider my position over this weekend in respect of legal action against WEA and it`s representatives for libel, and will talk over the potential value of said action with my barrister the legalbegal.


RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Friday, 4th April 2003, 22:25

It`s no secret that you cloned yourself before this conflict began kywy!

Even though agent Chewie is torturing you as we speak, you are still able to talk to me in this thread while simultaneously appearing in many other places simultaneously, whilst simultaneously pretending to be somewhere else, simultaneously spreading your w*sp loving filth around the world!

But we`re onto you!
We may be close to uncovering the "original" kywy!!

You can`t outwit the WEA!

We`re way too klever for that!

RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th April 2003, 11:50


This is just that same poor W*SP member that is sprouting propaganda. I think I`ll let him go because its quite funny.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

Fozzy_Bear (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th April 2003, 12:35

what is the WEA i think i missed the memo on that one.

This item was edited on Saturday, 5th April 2003, 13:37

RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 5th April 2003, 15:50

So lets get this right, there are three Saddams and two KYWY`s. Would the real ones please step foward!

RE: Serious Security Breach at DVDReviewer Forums

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 7th April 2003, 09:43

Wasp Extermination Army, Fozzy.

All the best,

The 42%er.

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