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A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 22:17

Anyone know if it is indeed true that sweetheart stout is only available in Scotland. It`s my dad`s favourite wee tipple and used to be sold in our local safeway - until a couple of numpties decided to burn it down! Now that it has re-opened, they have saw fit not to stock it.

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

psyjeff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st May 2003, 22:38

I work in the Greenock store and we stock it!

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st May 2003, 23:09

Thank goodness someone answered this, I thought everyone `north of the border` had left.

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 2nd May 2003, 01:49


It``s very simple, asking Scotsmen to admit (A) that they went shopping in Safeway and (B) bought Sweetheart Stout. ? Think about it ;-))

Perhaps it could be they thought " He could always phone a Scottish Safeways store and ask, he just wants to save the cost of the call " and they say Scots are careful with their money ? ;-))


This item was edited on Friday, 2nd May 2003, 02:50

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 13:07

Perhaps it could be they thought " He could always phone a Scottish Safeways store and ask, he just wants to save the cost of the call " and they say Scots are careful with their money ? ;-))

Perhaps it could be you didn`t read the question.
Cue the grammar and punctuation assassins...........

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

kywy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 14:28

On second thoughts, I don`t care about whatever it is that has prompted you to flame a obviously lighthearted reply to your initial post, and I have removed my reply.

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 15:36

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

Mintguy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 14:35

I think the point is that phoning a Scottish Safeways isn`t going to confirm that is is ONLY sold in Scotland is it?

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

kywy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 14:43

No, but if it was available in the Scottish stores ( which has been confirmed ) it could be stock transferred, which is what he wanted for his father, otherwise why waffle on about Safeways in the first place ?

The question was directed at Scots who would hardly know if it was in stock in Manchester would they ?

Anyway the questioned was answered, so why wait a week or so to start a row ?

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

andyrh68 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 15:19

That`s me told!

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 17:01

Now if the question had been about Barrs Iron Bru instead of Stout, there would have been lots of answers !!!!

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