General Forum


roy 1 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 20:28

OK chaps we all like a laff, i think!. bear and duke are pretty witty,lots of good info is past on these forums,but why do ppl get so upset over a bit of machinery.I own an alba 103 and i know its not the bees knees but i dont care it does the job i want it to do apart from not playing the patriot R2! yes R2. i think even bear would agree the scan is a better player,if ppl want a go at my player "fine" honest i wont get upset, i quite like the jibes and jokes.come on ppl there are more important things in life like er er -um how bad are hitachi, encore,mico.x-wing,sony, tosh,lg, and dare i say it -eye a wah, wat a cop out.


clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 12th January 2001, 20:36

Truces are for wimps !

No, Roy, you`re quite right. I think the complaints from people new to these forums has given us all a darned good shoulder-shaking - it was getting a wee bit silly. However, the "warning" from the management has been heeded and this week has seen some excellent advice given by the so-called protagonists without reference to the `superiority` of their hardware. (If you want a laugh suggest you look at Sheppo`s opinion column, where the Duke has come out with the funniest thing he`s ever said on this site).

DVD Reviewer is an excellent site : let`s not ruin their reputation by having a forum site where it`s impossible to get genuine information without having the urine extracted violently because the player "doesn`t fit" because it`s write-up has been less than brilliant.

I bought my Encore with the determination that, despite it not being a brand recognised in the High Street, I`d stick with it, come what may.

And likewise for your good self, Roy, with your Alba. As you say, if it does the job, why knock it.

Unfortunately, there are some sensitive souls on this site (me included when it comes to it !)

This item was edited on Friday, 12nd January 2001, 20:39


snafu (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th January 2001, 01:23

I could not agree more. I`m new to the site as you will gather but I have been following it for a long time. This is the best site for info but it is at risk because of the self indulgence of a few people. The Administrators want to think long and hard about this. Short or long term gain guys?

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