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Different Matrix Reloaded question..

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 18:20

A small phenomena I noticed when watching this the other week..

Normally, when cinema patrons choose their seat, the inadvertantly choose a seat near the end of the rows, near the aisle. Which, when you think about it, it a bit stupid as if anyone else wasts/has to sit in that row, they`ve got to do that weird standy-up-lean-back-while-trying-not-to-spill-your-coke thing to let them past.

For some reason, before the screen started to get really full, I noticed that everyone was sitting in the middle of the rows. Not one or two sitting at the sides. EVERYONE was in the middle. I`ve been going to the cinema for a while now, and this is the only time I`ve ever seen this...

RE: Different Matrix Reloaded question..

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 18:28

Maybe they were all Mr Smith?

RE: Different Matrix Reloaded question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 20:10

damn him (does this mean we`re all part of the matrix to)


RE: Different Matrix Reloaded question..

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 20:16

you`re not, you`re a root vegetable..

RE: Different Matrix Reloaded question..

David Banner (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd June 2003, 22:02

I sit near the end because:
1) I have long legs and like to be able to stretch out without hanging them over the shoulders of the person in front.
2a) I object to children behind me climbing on my shoulders so they can see over the top of me.
2b) I object to adults behind me climbing on my shoulders so they can see over the top of me.
3a) Now I have children I like to be able to get them to the toilet "before" the crux of the film and without trampling my size 12 feet over anyone in the dark.
3b) If I want to go to the toilet I like to be able to get myself to the toilet "before" the crux of the film and without trampling my size 12 feet over anyone in the dark. :-)

Ah, so that`s why I`ve been to 6 films at the cinema in the last 9 years and spent so much on our own home cinema.

Just for fun,


RE: Different Matrix Reloaded question..

Occean (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd June 2003, 07:37

Something simlair happened to me when I went to see Matrix 2. I usually go for the edge, but my girlfriend said: "I want to sit in the middle the sounds better!" I couldn`t believe it she has NEVER said anything like that before, well since I have known her.

Maybe she is learning ;)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd June 2003, 08:37

RE: Different Matrix Reloaded question..

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd June 2003, 17:24

"(does this mean we`re all part of the matrix to)"

Reminds me of one of the best `new generation` star trek episodes called `Ship in a bottle` where a holodeck character who recievied full Artificial Intelegence by accident is fooled into thinking he has escaped the holo deck.

At the end, there is the suttle twist in the tale where Lt Barkley wonders that if the holodeck character can roam his `universe` inside a small portable `holodeck` cube without knowing it, then maybe the Real Universe is in a larger holodeck as well and Barkley say`s `End program` to be on the safe side.

The mind boggles, END PROGRAM, where did everyone go, Arrg!!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd June 2003, 18:37

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