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I`ve been silly!!!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 07:10

I have the sumer holidays off as I work in a school, and I was at the beach yesterday. I didn`t put enough suncream on and have burned realy badly.

I know that it is all my own fault, and I deserve it, and all that sort of stuff, but if anyone has a wonder cure to tame the stinging I would be really grateful! Someone said I should take a bath with baking powder in it, but I really don`t want to try that without further evidence of this working!

This item was edited on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:17

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 07:18

get yourself to a health food shop, or some such thing and buy some tubes of pure Aloe Vera gel. I scalded myself quite badly a week or so ago, and it worked wonders. The resultant sticky mess is a bit annoying but don`t let that put you off - works almost immediately!

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

hopethishelps (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:01

get the missus to cover you in natural yogurt.... works wonders...

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:03

I am the missus, would the mister do?

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:07

well, leaving his natural yoghurt well packed up for the need to keep your skin as moist as possible (says he sounding like some L`Oreal ad)...anyway..tis 9.06 approx...shops are you go and get the Aloe Vera....I`ll be checking up on you!!

This item was edited on Friday, 8th August 2003, 09:08

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:11

I`ve got some somewhere, I have been looking for it. I`ve also got after sun with alo vera in it, but it isn`t doing much. :(

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:50

The best thing you could do is a cold shower or bath. Don`t put moisturisers on your skin, as that`ll just make it worse if you`ve only just burnt.

As said before PURE aloe vera will work wonders. Or you could try lavender water.

Guess who recently become a qualified first aider at work!

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 08:59

there you go....another pure Aloe Vera know it makes sense :-)

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 09:00

I can`t try lavender, it is the only flower brings up hayfever in me!

Congratulations on your first aid course. I took one last year, but it didn`t mention sunburn!

RE: I`ve been silly!!!

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 09:12

Just a friendly son had quite severe sunburn last year, decided to take a cool bath, and ended up with an attack of `prickly heat`, had to rush him to the surgery as he looked like he was going into shock........took over an hour to pass!!................There, bet that`s cheered you up no end!

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