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Page 1 of Spooky Britain?

General Forum

Spooky Britain?

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 20:15

Come on, own up. Is there a lot of you out there that have had `spooky goings on` in their household?

I was not a believer in such tales myself, until my brother moved into another house recently (its 50 year old). His family was bothered by weird sounds of footsteps in and around the upstairs master bedroom.

Eventually after a few weeks, it escalated to sound like someone dancing around the room. You may laugh, but his family did not like it too much.

I even heard it myself, trying to convince myself that it was just creaking floorboards due to temperature contraction or something, but it was definately moving footsteps.

My brother and his family could not see anything and it got so bad they could not sleep at night.

He talked to a workmate who is into this subject of ghosts and said `try moving your bedroom furniture around`, as `they` may not like the existing arrangement.

He rotated the bed ninety degrees, so that the length of the bed was against the wall.
It worked, No more noises, totally wierd, but does not explain why it works.

So you now know one possible solution, if you have to solve unexplained `bumps in the night` within your own house.

RE: Spooky Britain?

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 22:33

Definately spooky but me being the cynic I am, I`m sure there must be an explanation. I have no idea what but I`ve never seen anything remotely like a ghost or strange happening.

My wife has a story though..........

I was out one night, my wife was tucking up the then 3 year old in his bed and she saw a blonde woman in the hallway, she had a start (as you would) but the icing for her was my boy said "I just saw Jessica" (wife`s sister who is blonde btw)

The house was empty except for them and the other kids (in bed asleep)

Now for my wife that confirms to her she saw something but when I got home and she told me the story I was the old cynic again, suggesting her looking a bit spooked probably in turn spooked the kid, who knows.

I`m not really a believer but it is a facinating subject and worthy of disscusion.


RE: Spooky Britain?

Axel40 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd August 2003, 22:41

I have another,
One night I was downstairs and everyone was in bed, the living room where I am sitting is directly below our bedroom.
I hear a very loud jumping on the bed or someone standing on the end and pressing down very hard on the mattress and think "what the hell is she doing" :)

I go up stairs and my wife is sitting up looking terrified and she is adamant to this day that `something` was jumping on the bed.

It was loud and she was scared and there is no way she did this to me as a joke, believe me she would not tempt fate:) she hates things like the supernatural and would not mess around with that.

I have NO idea what happened but clutching at straws I said she was dreaming, (unlikely, it really was to loud) and was kicking in her sleep.

I try to see an explanation (I already said, I`m not a believer) but I can`t really find one.


RE: Spooky Britain?

Tom T (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 00:53

*Deep Breath* here goes....

Don`t laugh. Ok, I must`ve been 14/15, and i used to always stay up late with my dad watching films at the weekend. There was one night (morning whatever) that I stayed up till around 5am and it was just getting light. My bed used to be against the wall at the window and as I lay down on my bed, I could see a very broad, thick line of dirty, grey-coloured what I can only describe as some sort of jet-stream (like what skyscraper planes leave behind) out of the corner of my eye in the sky. I looked out and there is a set of four high-rise flats near my house - this stream was in a perfect straight line BETWEEN the flats, past my house and stretched for at least ten miles across to a set of hills (called Campsie Hills nr Glasgow)

I went into my dad`s room to try and wake him up but he was sound asleep by this point, and when i went back into my room, i looked a bit harder to see if i could see where it began or ended, but couldnt.

People laugh at me to this day when I tell them about this, but it was definately there, definately a perfect straight line and definately went through between the flats. It`d faded by the time I woke the next day.

Oi! It`s not funny! >:(

RE: Spooky Britain?

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 08:35

Saw a ghost at my Sisters house, it was at the bottom of the stairs I just come out of the bathroom and was coming down the stairs,it was a shape of a person but no details face ect, it moved into the sitting room ( situated at the bottom of the stairs) and vanished.
Strange thing was it was that you would think you would be scared but it was the opposite I was exited about seeing it and it was a bright sunny day, My Sister was relieved that somebody else had seen it and that She wasn`t going mad

Oscar Wallace.

RE: Spooky Britain?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 16:21

Messing with a Ouija board can be a bit disconcerting too. While I was doing my National Service in Cyprus (have taken over kywy`s mantle as the "ancient one" :D ). A few mates decided to set up a Ouija board in their billet. Once they got started they started asking questions thus: "Are you male ?" the board spelled out "No" "Are you female ?" again the board spelled out "No". "What are you then ?" they asked. This time the glass moved first to the letter D then to E then to V. With that my mates got really spooked and brushed everything off the table. :o


RE: Spooky Britain?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 17:49

I used to believe in this stuff, but now I`m more unsure. It doesn`t really make sense when you think about it, does it?

I don`t doubt what people think they saw, but I doubt anyone has had a good solid look at a ghost. Everything has a rational explanation in my opinion.

In saying this, I`ll probably be butchered in my sleep tonight by a f*cking ghost, and then raped like a dead deer. :(

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 18:51

RE: Spooky Britain?

hermy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 21:20

Almost 4 years ago when I`d just started seeing my girlfriend,she lived(and still does) on a street where all the houses are joined together and the footpath is extremely narrow and the front window on the houses are really large so if you`re walking past an house you really cannot help yourself but look in.Well one night i was at my girlfriends late and decided id better phone my taxi but her phone wasnt working so I went out to use a phonebox less than 1 min away(it almost faced her street) so im walking back to her house to wait for the taxi when I walk past her next door neighbour window and I look in,the livingroom is in darkness but theres an old lady sat in a chair staring at her fire which wasnt switched on I still remember the detail she had a flowerey dress on and I could even see she wore glasses I told my girlfriend because I thought it was a bit strange the lady sat up in the dark,no fire,late etc my girlfriend went white as a sheet just off her reaction I knew it was a ghost(Im gettin the same reaction now as I write this) the lady had been living in a carehome for the past 3 months and that day she had died,me and the GF had never discussed this lady before(there was no need it just never came up in a conversation) and Id could never have seen this lady b4 yet I described her perfectly to my girlfriend..for the next few weeks the whole street had seen her,some IN THEIR OWN HOMES and me and the girlfriend would hear noises through the wall(movement etc) and my GFs radio would come on on its own in the mornings and when I used the phonebox again 2 nights after I even saw the `ghost` looking out of her bedroom window,jeez Im getting creeped again.

RE: Spooky Britain?

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 22:50

I hear a very loud jumping on the bed or someone standing on the end and pressing down very hard on the mattress and think "what the hell is she doing"

I go up stairs and my wife is sitting up looking terrified

I had exactly the same situation happen here but I found my next door neighbour naked in the wardrobe >:(


RE: Spooky Britain?

crispy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th August 2003, 00:47

OK, how many instances do you want?

A few years ago I was living with a girl in Nottingham. The flat we were in was the downstairs of an old victorian house, nothing special there. Time and time again I would be lay in bed, my girlfriend somewhere else in the flat, when the bed would sink behind me as if someone had sat on the bed. I`d turn round to speak to my girlfriend, presuming it to be her, to see no-one there.

Going out with another girl, I was staying over one night sleeping in the spare room-it was her parents` house and they were somewhat conservative. My girlfriend had told me stories about `their ghost` but I hadn`t given much credence to them. I was woken early the next morning by the sound of crying. Now, at the time, my girlfriend`s grandmother was very ill and I feared the worst. I lay there wondering how best to deal with the situation when I heard, above the crying, my girlfriend`s parents laughing and joking downstairs. I thought this a bit strange considering the presumed circumstances but thought that it must be my girlfriend crying...yet I could hear her moving around in her bedroom which was across the hall, the crying was coming from directly behind my head, which would have been the bathroom. I lay there listening to the crying as the realisation that that didn`t leave anyone else to be crying crept in, as it slowly faded away.

That night I went upstairs to collect my stuff from my girlfriend`s bedroom-I was on my motorbike so I spent a few minutes putting on my leather and helmet. As I was walking out of the bedroom, from the bedroom across the hall where I had been sleeping, someone said, as plain as day, `Chris`. I headed downstairs to where everyone was sat watching TV.

I mentioned all this to my girlfriend when I next saw her. Apparently they had spent some time finding out who their `ghost` was. I turned out that it was a woman who lived in the house in the 1920`s and had died of TB. Her name was Christine and she had died at the time of year when all this had happened. It also turned out that the bedroom I had stopped in had originally been one long room that ran right along the back of the house, there hadn`t originally been a bathroom in the house. Oh, by the way, my name`s Chris...

In 1994 I quit work to go travelling. I`d arranged to meet some friends who were staying in a gite in Brittany and duly met up with them. Now, I`d already relayed the stories that you see above to them and when they said that there was a ghost in the gite I thought it was a wind-up. The day was spent at the gite and on one occasion I was walking through the kitchen when I glanced in the mirror and saw two kids running through. I thought nothing of it at the time as there were two teenage lads in the party. It was only afterwards that I realised that the two lads I saw in the mirror were much younger than the two in the party and that they had different hair colours.

That night I slept downstairs on the sofa. Everything was fine until everyone else had gone to bed and the lights went out. From then on all I heard from the kitchen was a relentless opening and closing of kitchen doors and drawers until it came light...

I met a girl at university in Wales (now my fiancee), and duly moved into a house with her. It was a big house on the edge of town that was shared with a couple of other students; the owner, an old woman who had had one of the students as a lodger, had died and the house had been passed on to her sons who lived away, presenting us with the room that we were now renting.

Unlike the other students who went home for the summer, we stayed. It was great having the house to ourselves, although some parts of it sometimes felt a little strange, particularly the upstairs bathroom where you always felt that someone was creeping up behind you. In fact it occasionally felt very intimidating, not helped by the fact that bloodspots would appear in the sink when no-one else was in the house.

When the girl who`d shared the house with the old owner returned after the summer, she told us that shortly before her death, the women had been raped in the upstairs bathroom...

There you go people, not a word of a lie! Sweet dreams

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