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Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 16:40

Here`s the story, not meant to be sexist, ageist or any "ist". Driving merrily along this morning 50-55 mph which was all conditions would allow. The occasional glance in the rear view mirror reveals an Escort close behind, in fact close to "tailgating". Further glances show a female driver looked to be about mid to late twenties with the inevitable mobile glued to her ear. OK, no real sweat, it happens I think to meself. Then still holding the phone, she lobs some litter out of the partly opened window with the other hand. By this time of course, my eyes are back on the road ahead. Then to cap it all, when I next glance in the mirror, I spot a toddler on the back seat. Good grief what planet does this woman come from ? This must rate as one of the most irresponsible things I`ve seen on the road. Unless of course if anyone knows differently ?


RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 17:16

I`ve been in the exact same situation before, it really gets my goat.

My driving instructor used to tell me that both males and females can tailgate, but generally, the men are doing it as a macho thing ("look at me fellow men, I can follow 2 inches behind without hitting the car in front") and the women do it out of ignorance, singing along to the radio or on a mobile phone, oblivious to whats going on.

Obviously this is a generalisation, but after he said it I looked out for tailgaters, and what he said rang quite true most of the time.

RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 18:21

My driving instructor just said all women are bad drivers (except the ones he trained ;) ).

I wouldn`t agree with him, but I can see his point. All the really bad driving I`ve seen people do are either "neds" or women. But at least women serve a purpose in life. Who needs neds?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Jason Bagnall (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 18:27

Many things were put on this earth soley for the use of womankind. The iron. The washing machine. The cooker. The bed.

The vehicle however, was not.

**takes cover**

"Dude I almost had you" - Paul Walker (The Fast & The Furious)

RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 18:44

This thread drifted off track slightly. I wasn`t on so much about the tailgating aspect as the fact that this lady (?) had both hands off the wheel, therefore driving irresponsibly. The whole episode made much worse by the fact that she had a toddler in the back.


RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 18:51

Ah, here`s a topic close to my heart. I wouldnt call them idiotic more like total c***s! Motorcyclists are currently on my list of c***s, these guys must have a death wish! 2 accidents in the last 4 days ive witnessed, this included overtaking on a blind bend and overtaking into the path of oncomming traffic these are very unplesant accident to witness, further more its not just the bikers who put there lives at risk its other road users to! As luck would have it neither resulted in fatalities which is amazing when the biker in the last accident hit an merc at little over 40mph! :o


The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 19:17

If anyone from the Wrexham/Chester area uses this forum they will know how EVIL the A483 is - u get psychotic overtaking motorbike riders, longhaul trucks overtaking each other on single lane bridges that are over 150ft high and the worst WORST route for little power suited women crawling along in there little peugeot 106s yakking on there mobile phones- it enrages me!! Oh, and peole that actually travel slower in the fast lane that the traffic in the slow lane! Sorry if its going off the thread slightly but god, i hate this route! I pity the ones who have to use motorways regularly!

RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 19:36

Hi Steve,

Yes I use that road quite a lot. Agree it can be a bad route at times. Although I must say I have used it both as a biker (born again) and car driver and yes there are some loony two wheelers amongst us as there are car drivers. I take it by "power suited" women you are referring to those that work in the Chester Business Park. The actual road at the Post House end is not so bad now, now that the new slip road has been built. What`s worse IMO is the other end of the 483 just past the Ruabon turn off where it becomes single lane. Do you know the roundabout at Plas Coch BTW. That`s bad news to me at least ?


RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 20:15

Like said before, there are many `reasons` drivers tailgate. Mainly it`s due to not paying attention, but more often then not, especially if it`s a BMW, Merc or new class Volvo, it because you`re on a single lane road, and they want to go faster than the speed you are doing.

There are many ways to combat this,

1. tap the brake pedal, which hopefully should work. If not..

2. Turn on your rear window washers, or if they`re anything like mine, the front ones. The resulting spray will hopefully cause the offending driver to back off. If this doesn`t work, use my favourite, and one I have used on many occasions..

3. Take your foot off the accelerator and let the car slow down. The car behind will invariably get closer, but don`t let this intimidate you. Then it`s just a process of waiting for them to get the message and back off. They could of course overtake you, but that means they`d have to back off anyway to get a clear angle with which to pass you. as soon as they do back off, however, speed up again. If they tailgate again, repeat the process..

As for crap drivers, I`ll add this one under `irresponsible`. I`d just taken my nieces to see Toy Story 2 at the flicks. We`d just piled into the car when we saw a woman unlock the sierra estate in front of us. Then watched in amazement as 13, count `em, 13 children, all under 10, started to file into the car. There were 5 in the back seat, one on the lap of the passenger in the front, and the remaining 7 lying on the floor of the back. I only had my works mobile on me, but luckily I was allowed to dial 999. Using my hands-free set I followed the car and was able to give a running commentary to the police. This was fortunate, as the car immediately turned onto the motorway and the female driver proceeded to drive in excess of 70MPH. She got off at the next junction, where a police car was waiting to take over and pull the woman over.

I had to give evidence in court, where it was revealed that the woman had in fact been banned from driving. She was found guilty of driving while banned, endangering the lives of the children, plus various other charges. Unfortunately, as the woman was a single mother of 5 of the kids, she escaped a custodial sentence. She did however get fined £500 + Costs, and was banned for a further 5 years.

Which leads me to pose another question. What`s the point of banning someone from driving when they`re already banned? It`s not like it stopped them in the first place..

I need a drink...

RE: Nomination for the "Most Idiotic Driver of the Week" Award

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th August 2003, 20:33

I need a drink...

Not whilst you`re driving I trust ? :D


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