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Car Tax discs

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 14:22

Trivial I know, but just got a new tax disc and noted that they have now got a silver strip across the middle and a bar code. What`s that all about, to stop forgery or what ?


GW6UFO is QRT at the moment

RE: Car Tax discs

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 15:35

Thats the type of backward logic those greedy s***house`s at number 10 would come up with..... invest enough of OUR money in new anti piracy techniques as aposed to reducing the cost! An idea lost on the labour government.

The British public are like cheap whore`s, we just lay down and take it >:(


The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

RE: Car Tax discs

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 15:56

Its a result of any new printer passing the `tenner test` with flying colours.

When i was at college our bus service was cancelled because the bus drivers couldnt tell the difference between the real bus passes and the ones one shady character was knocking out in his IT lessons! And that was nearly 8 years ago.

RE: Car Tax discs

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 17:19

Can remember someone telling me a few years back of a street in Plymouth where half the cars had badly faded computer printed tax discs ;)

On a similar note ( well it`s motoring anyway ) there was a program on BBC1 last night about traffic police and I was not paying much attention to it but I thought I heard one of the rozzers radio to control to check if a car was insured , did I hear this correctly i.e. they have access to insurance details database for every vehicle or was my mind playing tricks on me ?


RE: Car Tax discs

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 17:36

did I hear this correctly i.e. they have access to insurance details database for every vehicle
It wouldn`t surprise me. The way I understand it is that all the insurance companies have access to a common database. What is on that database apart from obvious things like car registration number, convictions, claims etc. I wouldn`t know. If those were the only things, then I guess the police would argue that they have a right of access to it. If however, the database contains more personal details (banking etc), then right of access by the police becomes more worrying IMO.


GW6UFO is QRT at the moment

RE: Car Tax discs

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 19:17

I run a modded escort Xr3i which is spoilerd up to the bo"$%ks nice car...any ways I got pulled in sept 02 for not wearing my seatbelt and having a front number plate the size of a swan vesta box (slighly bigger but not much) and in answer to the question regarding insurance they can check on the spot due to a computer in the car (traffic cops only) it had just been bought in sept and only coverd half the insurance companies and they said mine was not on the list but was not a corncern. They gave me a £30 fine for my belt and let me off on the plate.........on the condition I changed it.........good job I didnt say "sorry it shrunk in the wash officer"

I produced my documents got my plate made and all was well

RE: Car Tax discs

dnick (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 20:28

recently had the wives car MOTed and they now put a little sticker on the window with the date that the MOT is done/due (did not look to closely at the date).

have always wondered about the ligality of driving a car around during that period then you are doing the repairs for an MOT. do wonder if it is up the the police who stop you, wherther or not you are done?

RE: Car Tax discs

aja007 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 20:34

Some of my neighbours were done recently for having expired tax discs and, in one case, no tax disc.

The done for having no tax disc deserves it- he and his girlfriend scrounge off the state but have jobs! Let`s hope they get caught for that too! :)

RE: Car Tax discs

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 20:35

I think I`m right in saying that if a car fails the MOT, then you`ve got a month to get it put right before a retest. You can either get the MOT garage to do it, or DIY. Not absolutely sure about my facts here, so willing to be corrected :) Always best to get the MOT done before the old one expires of course, that way you have some leeway if it fails as the current certificate is still valid.


GW6UFO is QRT at the moment

RE: Car Tax discs

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th September 2003, 21:18

You usually get 1-2 weeks depending on the garage to get the job`s done and just a re-test on those job`s, after that period you will get charged for a full test.


The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

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