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I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

ryanred5 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th December 2003, 23:41


Ive been sat watching Philadelphia tonight with Tom Hanks and it made me think back to a film Id seen ages ago which was along similar lines.

Now the film is either to do with someone (male I think) who is dying of aids or cancer, and ends being treated at home in a hospital bed with a nurse. The film is also based in America. I can picture the film but not the person in the bed or what the film is called. They end up dying at home.

It is really bugging me, Im sorry I cant give more information, thats all I can remember.

Any ideas of the name of the film, pretty please, would make a young lady very happy.

Merry Xmas

Kind regards


RE: I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th December 2003, 01:25

The only thing I can think of is a part of the film `Arthur` where Sir John Gielgud, Arthur`s manservant, is diagnosed with cancer, and is admitted to hospital. Arthur finds him and moves him back to his home, where he dies (and haunts him as an advisor/friend)

It is a comedy after all...



RE: I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

iain.j (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 25th December 2003, 15:50

is it `Its My Party` ? starring Eric Roberts? never seen the film but it does sound a bit like it.

RE: I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

random username (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th December 2003, 19:38

Dying Young (1991) ?

"After she discovers that her boyfriend has betrayed her, Hilary O`Neil is looking for a new start and a new job. She begins to work as a private nurse for a young man suffering from blood cancer. Slowly, they fall in love, but they always know their love cannot last because he is destined to die." With Julia Roberts.

I don`t know if it exactly matches, but it is about a young man and his nurse.

RE: I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

kirky (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th December 2003, 20:02

could it be "whos life is it anyway" with richard dreyfuss?

RE: I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th December 2003, 22:01

RE: I need movie help, ive only got the plot no actors names, HELP!!

ryanred5 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st December 2003, 00:53

Hi everyone

Ive found it, its called MY LIFE with Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman. He has terminal cancer and makes videos for his unborn son, Im really really hoping this is the film as I have ordered it from Play, mind u it was only £6.

If its not the film I was thinking of, would anyone be interested in buying it?

Ill keep you posted when it arrives.

Kind regards


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