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Page 1 of Legal eagle help

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Legal eagle help

Dogma (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 21:21

Hi all, and seasons greetings to you.
If I was to place a flash gun next to my rear registration plate, and wire it to one of those slave units that would make the flash fire if another flash gun was to go off around the rear of my car, would I be doing anything illegal if a gatso flash gun just happened to set mine off? I would imagine my flash could obscure my reg plate for part of a second. ;)

RE: Legal eagle help

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 22:50

I would imagine my flash could obscure my reg plate for part of a second

Or blind some poor bugger driving behind you when his headlights trigger your flash.

Don`t do it , it will end in tears.

RE: Legal eagle help

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 01:29

*Or* you could just drive carefully and keep to speed limits, etc, and not *need* to obscure your plate...?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 01:31

RE: Legal eagle help

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 09:33

Not sure about the legal position, but I imagine you`d be breaking laws against having certain power and certain colour (ie. white) lights on the back of the vehicle - whether they are on all the time or not. They could probably stick you with attempting to pervert the course of justice, and if I was the CPS attending, I might go for dangerous driving for possibly putting other road users at risk.

Oh yes, and it probably won`t work, depending on what the reaction time is on your flash - are you willing to risk your licence on some dumb jury-rigged device as you go through the camera ?!?!

DVD Reviewer

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(Costs nothing and takes little effort ;-))

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 09:33

RE: Legal eagle help

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 10:57

Also thought on the way here that this wouldn`t provide much security - you`d still be caught by forward facing Truvelos, mobile speed traps, SPECS, etc, as well. So having the false sense of security that you might be able to cruise past the odd Gatso that you probably already know about is likely to be MORE dangerous in the long run (to you and you licence).

DVD Reviewer

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RE: Legal eagle help

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 11:24

With 9 points on my license ( and at one time potentially 15!!!) I`ve learnt my lesson the hard way.

There is just no point in speeding at all.

Get yourself a Morpheous Road Pilot/Road Angel type jobby off ebay.


RE: Legal eagle help

Dogma (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 11:55

The flash gun idea came out in a Jack Daniels fuelled beat the system get together. Another one that came out was to avoid parking charges and fines (bloody hell motorists are an easy target). If your reg plate was covered or taken off, and tax disc tyrned round on a carpark, could a parking ticket be issued?

RE: Legal eagle help

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 12:06

I believe, as Dan posted above, showing a "white light" at the rear of a vehicle, other than a reversing light is an offence with (at least it used to be) up to 8 points and a fine.
(that`s why if ya smash yer tail light, get some tape on it quick to colour it!!)

Not having your Reg number displayed I believe is also "dodgy" but the tax disc isn`t about having one, the charge is not "displaying" onw.
Therefore, you could have taxed your vehicle at the PO, still had a day or so left on the old one so you aint fired the new one in yet, dropped it on the passenger side footwell, or left it on your passenger seat etc., facing down so you can`t see the date and then go over by the day the old one expired.

You can now, and from what I`ve seen with the over eagerness these days probably will, be charged with not displaying the tax disc and fined for it :(
(there was an old rumour about being allowed 14 days grace but it`s pants. I have a mate who was done when his car was left outside his house and he wasn`t there as he was off BUYING the disc! ...and btw, he was buying it at 9.30 AM on the 1st of that month...he had missed the PO the day before to get it, and was waiting outside for it to open when he got the ticket!)

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Legal eagle help

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 14:02

If your reg plate was covered or taken off, and tax disc tyrned round on a carpark, could a parking ticket be issued?

Well, you might come back and find your car had been taken away.

DVD Reviewer

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(Costs nothing and takes little effort ;-))

RE: Legal eagle help

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 14:11

*Or* you could just drive carefully and keep to speed limits,

Or you could join the real world.

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