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Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

nasir (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 19:22


I recently bought the MacMaster from Sonel which is supposed to allow you to copy DVD`s onto video. But I tested it with a region 1 film The Bone Collecter and it was black & white and sort of flashing back and forward. My vcr is a panasonic NV-HD625 which has written on it NTSC P.B. on PAL TV, but still no luck. Could someone help as I really want to be able to tape my DVD`s.



RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

BuffyAngel (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 21:12

Hey there,

`NTSC PLAYBACK ON PAL TV` is often a misleading statement. Many VCRs displaying this actually play back the video at `PAL 60`, which means a UK colour (PAL) format but the original framerate/refresh rate (NTSC).

Needless to say, this means you can`t tape your US movies without a PAL/NTSC converter box (around £150) or a new VCR which actually converts the NTSC signal to `true` PAL (aka PAL 50). I am not sure how common these machines are...

Sorry to inform you,

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd June 2001, 21:16

RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

nasir (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 02:33

Thanks for your help.


RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 16:15

Another (cheaper) option is to get a DVD player such as a Samsung 511, which can perform a "standards conversion" of sorts in the digital domain and give true PAL-50 output from NTSC discs.


RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

zerodvd (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 19:49

why not try it with a R2 dvd just to test the macro bit
as the R1 NTSC stuff is confusing the matter ?

interested if it works on R2

Good luck

RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd June 2001, 21:32

Can you not alter the PAL setting on your DVD player. I had the same problem with my LG 3350 and I altered the PSEUDO PAL setting to ON. It might be called something different on yours.

RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

ROB R (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th June 2001, 21:26

Hi nasir

I also own a Tosh 2109 and was just about to post my cheque off to Sonel today, before I read your posts. Have you tested R2 discs yet ??????????

Also how long was the delivery time.

I would appreciate the feedback


This item was edited on Monday, 4th June 2001, 21:27

RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

nasir (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 08:57


Hi. It took around 3-4 days for delivery.I haven`t testred region 2 yet as I am more interested in region 1 but I am hoping to hire a region 2 disc and will test it probably today or tomorrow. Will post the results when tested. Oh if you send a cheque it will take longer for delivery as they wait till it has cleared ....I sent a postal order..quicker.



RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

ROB R (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 21:55


Thanks for the info,
Like you I`m also into R1 but figured if this was a problem provided it enables VCR back up R2 discs it wouldn`t be a complete waste of money.

I`ll await your results.

Cheers Mate


RE: Guys need help with Macrovision...Sonel MacMaster!!!!!!!!

Navs (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 11:18

Hey Nas
check if your dvd players have at the rear panel a"TV SYSTEM SELECT Switch"-if you have one-set it to PAL and it should work.
Have a good one.

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