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Registering for ebay

Brian Sanderson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th March 2005, 13:46

I tried to register for ebay a few days ago and it asked me for my credit card details, it said so they could check and say I was who I said I was.

Is this normal? It seemed a bit strange to me so I stopped at that point.

RE: Registering for ebay

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th March 2005, 13:55

I think you get asked for credit card details if you`re registering with a free, throwaway e-mail address, like Hotmail, Yahoo etc.


RE: Registering for ebay

HorseKnob-ed (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th March 2005, 14:24

I could be wrong. As i understand it, ebay have no seperate buyer or seller sign up form. Therefore they ask for your card details so that in the event you want to Sell items on the bay, it then gives them access to your money via your card. -if you dont pay up.

You can pay them their selling Fee`s via a cheque or whatever method. I think that is their main reason for wanting card details.

Searching for my Region 1....

RE: Registering for ebay

sultan (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th March 2005, 16:43

If you sign up with eBay with a `disposable` email address offered by the likes of

YAHOO (*, ***)
MSN (*

then you will be asked for credit card details to confirm that you are a legitimate person.
Otherwise, anyone could register with eBay and then bugger off with someones goods/money with no traceability.

If you signup with proper mail addresses (such as BT, NTL, FREESERVE etc) then you will only be asked to give credit card details if you want to become a seller or if you offer your 1st item up for sale. For buying only purposes, registration will not ask for credit card details (If they now do, you can skip that bit). I know, as I registered 1st for buying purposes only. Many years later, I then offered my 1st item for sale and that is when they wanted my card details.

hope this helps

This item was edited on Friday, 11th March 2005, 16:46

RE: Registering for ebay

Brian Sanderson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th March 2005, 16:50

Thanks people. I use a email address so that explains it.

RE: Registering for ebay

HorseKnob-ed (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th March 2005, 17:43

I didnt get that option Sultan. I signed up three years ago -approx. I didnt want to give details as i only wanted to buy. Not that it card changed anyway. :)

Searching for my Region 1....

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