Info and forum posts by 'Brian Sanderson'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 24th January 2004, 14:37, Last used: Monday, 30th October 2006, 19:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Nokia 1100 - Unlock code required

Sorry to drag up an old topic but I have bought a Nokia 1100 (PAYG) on the Tesco network and am tring to unlock it.

I have the IMEI and I assume I use Quote:
23410 (UK Tesco1 : UK Tesco 1)
for the network field.

What do you put into the Boxserial field?

RE: Registering for ebay

Thanks people. I use a email address so that explains it.

Registering for ebay

I tried to register for ebay a few days ago and it asked me for my credit card details, it said so they could check and say I was who I said I was.

Is this normal? It seemed a bit strange to me so I stopped at that point.

RE: Athlon 64 Vs Sempron

I`m looking at sets containing motherboard, CPU and memory so compatibility is not an issue.

RE: Athlon 64 Vs Sempron

OK I`ll probably go for the 64.

One last question. Is there a big difference between a 64 3000+ and a 64 3200+? The price difference is about £70. Will you only get a 7% increase in number crunching power (200/3000=6.67%)?

RE: Athlon 64 Vs Sempron

Does anyone know roughly how much faster a Athlon 64 3000+ would be as compared to a Sempron 3000+? The price difference is about £40 I was wondering if it would be worth it.

Athlon 64 Vs Sempron

I`m looking to replace my current motherboard/cpu/memory (currently a Duron 700).

I want something with more processing power mainly for encoding video, it currently takes over four hours to encode a picture slideshow using Ulead DVD Pictureshow.

Does anyone know if the Athlon 64 is worth the extra money over the Sempron, or is the performance difference marginal?

RE: ASDA portable LCD screen DVD £89.93

Comet are doing a Proline DVDP350 (3.6 inch) for £89.99

I glanced briefly at their instore leaflet the other day and I think it was in there for the same price. It`s probably the same kind of spec as the Asda one.

RE: How do you write `half` on a computer like the 1/2 way?

ALT + (Keypad) 171 = ½
ALT + 172 = ¼

Does anyone have a list (or link to a list) which shows more of these codes?

RE: Firewalls: Do we REALLY need them?

I never had any problems when I was running 98 myself. But as soon as I installed 2000 I was bombarded with port scans and crashing processes, within seconds of connecting through dialup to the internet.

Since I`ve installed Sygate`s free firewall no more problems!

Has anyone used ?

Looking at and it shows have Men behaving badly all six series boxset for £10.93 marked down from £49.99

A search of this forum shows one positive comment from DOHC. Has anyone else used them?

RE: Car Insurance for over 70`s

My Grandfather is 81 and is also insured through CIS. They are cheaper than all other quotes he has had in years.

RE: Best free adware/spyware removal safe software...?

I agree with Cyanide69 Mozilla Firefox is Much better than IE. I cann`t remember having any pop up problems since I started using Firefox. Plus tabbed browsing is great :)

RE: Yahoo Mail Capacity to increase

Thanks Cyanide69 I`ll try that at home when I get the chance.

Update Worked a treat, cheers Cyanide69.

This item was edited on Monday, 21st June 2004, 11:36

RE: Yahoo Mail Capacity to increase

How do you download from Yahoo as POP3?

I use Mozilla Thunderbird as well and didn`t realise you could do that.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th June 2004, 16:34

RE: How do you increase the number of simultaneous downloads allowed in IE?

I agree with batavia. I use Fresh Download as well, I`ve always found it a good piece of software.

RE: Who make the most reliable hard drives?

Thanks for the comments people, very useful.

On a slightly different tack, is it OK buying hard drives mail order? Do they survive the experience of going through the post office?

RE: Who make the most reliable hard drives?

I am assuming the motherboard will be OK, it`s not as old as a lot of the PC. I already have added a 10GB drive with no problems.

The motherboard is an ASUS A7V which has two normal IDE channels (I assume they are ATA 66) and two ATA 100 channels running off a Promise controler (built into the motherboard). ie there are four IDE connectors on the motherboard.

Am I right in assuming that an ATA 133 drive will `dumb down` when connected to an ATA 100 IDE channel? Or do I need to get a maximum of an ATA 100 drive?

Who make the most reliable hard drives?

I am looking at replacing my aging 4GB hard drive with a newer one. Something in the region of an 80GB drive should do.

Has anyone had any bad experiences of certain manufacturers?

Has anyone had nothing but good experiences from a manufacturer?

Adult DVDs from

Has anyone bought Adult DVDs from FutureEnt?

If so what is the service like?
How long do they usually take to arrive after ordering?
Is the packaging discrete (no use of the word `adult` on the outside)?

Are there any better sites to buy from?