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Page 1 of To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

General Forum

To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 11:53

Very annoying. I think the Mods took down your thread on the blood test after I wrote quite a bit!! Grrrr.
Basically it said that I also have an absolute terror of blood tests. they were impossible for me to have.
I spoke about this phobia to the doc, so everytime I have to have a blood test he prescribes me two 10mg tabs of diazepam. It works, you just don`t give a damn, and that is a lot coming from my terror of it.
The anaesthetic cream works, though put it on both arms and cover it. I think that was about an hour before the test (and I had squeamish feelings even when I put the cream on THAT area I can`t even mention).
If you go the diazepam route, then make sure someone comes with you as you will be in seventh heaven, though concious. You just won`t give a damn.
If you are unable to get the diazepam in time, then I have some you can have (for such occasions).
The trick in getting the diazepam to work correctly is to take 10mgs two hours before and another 10mg`s an hour before.
Let me know if you need any.
My sympathies are most definitely with you.
And Mods, don`t remove this as I wanna go out and don`t want to type all over again!!!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 12:59

RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 13:37

Annoying, innit?

RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

The Cowboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 14:21

I Think the mods cut it because of the way I posted it. For that I apologise mods. But until you have a fear of needles you don`t understand. Batvia, will the doc give Diazipan or do I have to buy them. I am very reluctant to accept drugs not prescribed to me. But thank you for the offer nevertheless. I may get back to you on that one.

I do appreciate your words of support.


RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 14:28

Nope, the Doc prescribes them.
I just told him of my horror/terror of blood tetsts and since then every one has been accompanied by blessed diazepam and the anaesthetic cream.
It works and it really is THE only way I could possibly go through with it.
I had years of refusing tests as it was literally more of an ordeal I could take. even the thought of it sends me reeling (getting funny as I type).
I can`t tell you what a relief it is to get the diazepam. Even if you are on your way top the test and you feel "oh no, they haven`t worked". They have.
Go try and get them. Your worry and ordeal will then be over. I know it all to bloody well. Hate it.
Therapy doesn`t help, by the way. Tried that for years too.

RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

The Cowboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 14:36

Thanks Batvia, your concern for my fear is appreciated. For obvious reasons I cannot take non subscribed medicine has it could have an adverse reaction on the pills I already take. 2 for HBP and 4 for my diabetics. But just to know you are there helps. I`ll let you know how things go on.


RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 15:10

I am sure here as I have exactly the same horror.
Can you not take diazepam or an equivalent?
Re the cream it doesn`t resolve the mental torment, but it does help can`t even say it. You know what I mean.
I know that no one understands me and the hell I have to go through. They come out with stupid lines from "Carry On" films (I won`t repeat them as they are just equally bad and unhelpful) or to tell me to shrug it off. If I could then I bloody would!!
E-mail me, if you want, at any time.

RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

**roofie** (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 19:02

I hate blood tests. I have them monthly because I`m anaemic and nothing seems to be curing it. The last nurse who took my blood really bruised me. My arm was sore for days afterwards."" target="_blank"> TROLL CITY

RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 19:36

my missus is also s*** scared of needles & used to pass out at the sight of one coming in her direction, (literaly, i`m not joking, she would turn white & hit the floor out like a light) but she`s also diabetic & had to go strieght onto high doses of insulin (for life) now she doesn`t bat an eyelid, so it just shows you CAN get past this type of phobea (tho i`m not saying you are in the same boat as tracey)

in a similar vein (no pun intended) when i was about 10 i had to spend 3 months in booth hall childrens hospital (i used to suffer from epilepsy) & had to have 2 blood tests a day, at the time it used to take 3 orderlys to hold me down so the nurse could get the blood, but as was the case with the wife because it became such a regular thing (i still have a "hard" spot on one arm) i just got used to it, doesn`t bother me at all any more, in fact i often give tracey her insulin myself (practice in case she`s unable to do it herself)

Oh, & when she used to pass out it made it easier, they just put a pillow under her head & took the blood anyway :D

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

RE: To "The Cowboy" Re Blood Test!!!

**roofie** (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 19:38

Ogster, I used to suffer from epilepsy and both my parents are diabetic so I sympathise."" target="_blank"> TROLL CITY

RE: To

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 20:00

Ogster, I used to suffer from epilepsy and both my parents are diabetic so I sympathise.

fortunately i`ve dodged the bullet so far, but both my parents are/where diabetic, the wifes diabetic & her dad was diabetic. so theres time yet :D (pessimist, moi)

if you don`t mind me asking which form of epilepsy did you have ? mine was petite mal (sp ?) but i was hyperactive as well (not a good combination) i used to have to take a liquid sedative 3 times a day (thats in the early 80`s, i`m sure things have improved since then)

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th September 2005, 21:17

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