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Postal Orders

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 09:56

Just received the postal orders for my e-bay sell. They are made out in my name, uncrossed.
Any ideas how I get them changed? Just across the counter at the post office?

RE: Postal Orders

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 09:59

Yes. :)

RE: Postal Orders

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 10:01

One more question. ID needed?

RE: Postal Orders

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 10:04

They could ask for it so take it. :)

RE: Postal Orders

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 10:07

Ok. Thanks for help.
Gotta cart my bloody e-bay sell off to the post office on my bike.
Last time I ever get involved in this fiasco.
Grrrrrr. >:(

RE: Postal Orders

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 10:12

if they are uncrossed the post office will uaually cash them without i.d, tbh postal orders are the best way to get paid, you don`t get charged for recieving them (unlike paypal) & you can cash them at the post office & use part of the money to post the item, nice & clean.

general nobody @ known as Chris Ogden

This item was edited on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 11:15

RE: Postal Orders

mortishian (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 12:19

if they are uncrossed the post office will uaually cash them without i.d

Wouldn`t dream of doubting you as I wouldn`t have a clue, but if this is the case then there`s no benefit of sending them rather than a wad of twenties is there?

RE: Postal Orders

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 12:45

All done, signed, sealed and delivered (and cashed).

RE: Postal Orders

**roofie** (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 10th September 2005, 17:08

Thanks for answering that. I was wondering myself. I`ve always paid mine into my bank account."" target="_blank"> TROLL CITY

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